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Archive for 6 October 2005



    Iraq - a Frankenstein abomination patched together with various decomposing body parts from Kurds, Sunni and Shia sects...
can never be a NATION... let alone a 'democracy' - but at best a corrupt despotism - only held together by a ruthless dictator like Saddam.

When George Bush's neocon crusaders invaded and overthrew him on an WMD snipe hunt... the old sutures broke and the rotting limbs thrashed out in a mindless paroxysm of violence from the golem creature that was created by mad scientists under a CIA grant....

creature that was created by mad scientists under a CIA grant.... "
...The boundaries of modern Iraq were settled by British officials, including Winston Churchill, who combined three Ottoman districts, the northern mostly Kurdish district administered from Mosul; the middle mostly Sunni Arab district, which contained Baghdad; and the southern mostly Shiite district, whose major city was Basra.

In Arab nationalist thinking, these decisions reflected the British desire to create an inherently unstable nation, lacking historical legitimacy and forcing three antagonistic groups to live together, so the country would never be strong and unified and would be more easily controlled by outsiders...."

A history of Iraq, the cradle of Western civilization - by Eric Black - of the Star Tribune
Iraq, which gave the world Saddam Hussein, is also the birthplace of writing, the plow and the first great code of law. It's also the birthplace of Abraham, father of the Jews and the Arabs.In earlier epochs, the territory now called Iraq was the center of the greatest powers of the day. At other times it was conquered by Alexander the Great, ravaged by the Mongols and dominated by empires based in Persia, Turkey and Britain.

Let the mutant monster of Iraq disassemble, decompose and recycle - perhaps to fertilize two or three new nations!
Do not offer the transfusion of American blood into this grotesque miscreation of the black arts.

  • White House spy probe focuses on Filipino ex-Marine
    Suspect reportedly admitted taking material from vice president's office
    Leandro AragoncilloWASHINGTON - The Justice Department is investigating whether a "naturalized" U.S. citizen from the Philippines stole classified documents while he worked in the office of Vice President Dick Cheney and provided the information to opposition politicians in Manila, Bush administration officials said Wednesday.   The possibility that Leandro Aragoncillo was passing the material while stationed at the White House as a U.S. Marine security official marks a dramatic expansion of the case against him and a former Philippines police official, Michael Ray Aquino. Both were arrested and charged in federal court in Newark, N.J., last month with sending classified information to the Philippines — more than two years after Aragoncillo left the White House to work as an FBI intelligence analyst. - (Invasion!) - (reader link & Cicero note) - (White Boy)

    A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the galleys, heard in the very hall of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor—he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and wears their face and their garment, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation—he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city—he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared.......Cicero, 42 B.C.E.

  • Muslim Inmate Sues Semonole County Jail Over Religious Freedom
  • Romania deports students linked to al-Qaida



  • Attorneys Cite Videos in Kansas Sex Servitude Case
    Krigsten told jurors the abuse, which spanned more than 20 years, came as residents were forced to work in the nude at the Kaufmans' farm. Residents also were ordered to perform videotaped sexual acts for the entertainment and pleasure of the Kaufmans, she said.


    Disabled girl violently raped, hositalized, Caretaker's black boyfriend arrested - Victim Cannot Walk Or Talk
Jason GarrardOhio -- A man faced a judge Wednesday, accused of raping a severely disabled teenage girl. The courtroom was quiet as the prosecutor read the disturbing facts of what happened to the 15-year-old girl. Investigators said the girl, who can't walk or talk, was raped so violently that she had to be hospitalized.  "She suffers from some disabilities and is unable to care for herself in any way," the prosecutor said. "In fact, she's non-verbal. She crawls and grunts and gestures to communicate with people."  A Franklin County grand jury indicted Jason Garrard, 24, on rape and assault charges. The suspect is Christina Robinson's boyfriend and according to police, Robinson left the girl alone with Garrard. - (Gman) - (crime)

    Sports: Ex-Cincinnati State basketballer faces 2nd rape trial
Floyd Davis Hamilton County prosecutors plan to try former Cincinnati State basketball player Floyd Davis again after a jury announced earlier this week it couldn't decide if the 20-year-old raped another student in a college classroom. Prosecutors, however, argued that Davis, who was living in Clifton at the time, tricked the 21-year-old female into following him from a computer lab where she had been working on homework to an empty and windowless classroom, where they say he raped her. - (Cowboy Zeke, Mr. Mojo) - (more sports)

    3 nabbed in kidnap, home invasion
Davis left, Gaines center, Griggs right Pennsylvania State Police have arrested three people, including a Cumberland County resident, in connection with Monday's kidnapping and shooting in Lancaster County. Those charged are Amber Sunshine Catherine Griggs, 18, Anthony Marcus Davis, 20 and Raymond Benjamin Gaines, 20. Griggs and Davis face first-degree felony aggravated assault charges. Gaines faces three charges of first-degree felony kidnapping, one count of attempted murder, and one count each of felony aggravated assault, burglary and robbery.
The girl's mother, Catherine Stone, said  that she hasn't spoken to her daughter since the alleged crimes, that she "wasn't sure where to find" her daughter, and that she only learned of the alleged crimes through news reports.
Stone said Anthony Marcus Davis is an ex-boyfriend of one of her other daughters.  Court papers say the boy's mother, Patricia Westervelt, told authorities the men ordered her from her home because "her husband had made a mistake." The intruders ordered her to get into the family's Kia minivan.
David Westervelt was shot as he was escaping, police say. - (crime)

    Canada: Feds win round in WWII war crimes case
The federal government has won a round at the Supreme Court of Canada in a fight to strip Canadian citizenship from a man convicted of torturing and murdering 11 people during the Second World War.  Michael Seifert, who now lives in British Columbia, was convicted in absentia in Italy of war crimes committed while he served with German forces.



5 October 2005 archived - (click at left for full coverage)
New Nation News - Archives

    "Our Kurdish Problem" - The Kurds are "cleansing" their domain – and provoking a civil war in Iraq - by Justin Raimondo
The Kurds didn't even wait for the ink to dry on the proposed constitution before they started pushing for de facto independence – and pushing Arabs and Turkmen out of Kurdish-controlled cities. Eager to seize control of oil-rich Kirkuk, which they claim as their historical Jerusalem, the two major Kurdish factions are demanding that the city be turned over to them – and that thousands of Arabs and others settled there during the reign of Saddam Hussein be uprooted and sent back to wherever.  - Ref: "Free Kurdistan" - (Commentary


    Migrant from Guam - William Tyquiengco on trial for the rape and murder of his sister-in-law
William TyquiengcoSALINAS, Norcal. --"Her throat was cut from one end to the other, and very deep, very deep -- almost decapitated -- I knew she couldn't have survived," Tommy Charfauros testified.   - Testimony is scheduled to continue in Salinas in the William Tyquiengco trial. The former Marina man is accused of killing his wife's sister, Starr Morren, in Monterey in 1996. The defendant's former wife could take the stand Wednesday. She provided information to the police that led to Tyquiengco's arrest four years ago.
- (war eagle) - (Norcal) - Ref: Tyquiengco, a native of Guam, had been living in Seaside at the time of the murder  - (Invasion!)

    Armed and Dangerous Cuban Rapist on the Loose
Authorities say he's armed, dangerous and on the loose. Lubbock police and the Hockley County Sheriff's Department need your help in finding Frank Santana. He's accused of raping an Anton woman, beating her husband and stealing their truck. That truck was found in Lubbock around 4:30 Wednesday morning and police believe Santana is in Lubbock. Frank Santana is believed to be armed and dangerous. He's described as a Cuban man with a heavy Cuban accent. He's 6-feet tall and weighs about 240 pounds. He has tattoos on both arms, his back and chest. If you have any information that could help, call the Hockley County Sheriff's Department at (806) 894-3126, or call Crime Line at (806) 741-1000. - (Rasp) - (crime)


      'Dirty old low-down accused homo pedophile charged with raping 4-year-old boy
Albert D. DeputyDOVER- The police have arrested a Dover man accused of raping a 4-year-old boy. According to the Dover police, the 4-year-old's mother told officers that her son had been sexually touched by the child's step-great-grandfather  while the child was visiting his step-great-grandfather. The police say an investigation revealed that the suspect performed oral sex on the child after pulling his clothing down, and then exposed himself to the child.   The suspect, identified as 74-year-old Albert D. Deputy was arrested. He was charged with first-degree rape and first-degree indecent exposure. He was released after posting bond. - (War Eagle) - (crime)

      Low-down sex-crazed homo pedophile pervert raped a 14-year-old boy at a bus stop
Artrell BeatonPolice have arrested a man who they say forced himself on a 14-year-old boy at his bus stop last week. Artrell held a gun to the boy's head while he fondled him. Nineteen-year-old Artrell Beaton was arrested for kidnapping, assault with a firearm and molestation.  Neighbors are angry that when this incident took place 10 days ago, police did not warn the public that an apparent armed child molester was on the loose. A police spokesman says the reason they did not notify the public was because they wanted to run surveillance hoping to catch the attacker somewhere near the scene of the crime. - (Rasp) - (crime)

    "White"Man arrested for rape of a 15-year-old girl at Baptist church
Christopher Montrell WhiteA registered sex offender has been arrested and charged with the Saturday rape of a
15-year-old girl at Cumberland Missionary Baptist Church.   Christopher Montrell White was working as a custodian at the church when the alleged rape occurred   Police said the rape occurred Saturday afternoon at the church.  The victim, the report said, was at the church for a fashion show.  White is listed on the Tennessee Sexual Offender Registry. He was convicted of statutory rape in a November 2002 case, according to the registry.
- (Mr. Mojo) - (crime)


4 October 2005 archived - (click at left for full coverage)
New Nation News - Archives

    14 Foreign Farm Laborers Gang Rape Fla. Teen, - (12 Guatemalans, a Puerto Rican & a Mex) - (NNN forum) - (Invasion!

Blacks, liberals and neocons outraged! by H. Millard © 2005
In the alternate universe that is similar to, but slightly different from our own, Blacks, all across Amerika and in every prison where they are disproportionately locked up by evil White racists who hate them because of the color of their skin, were outraged this week after virtuous guy Bull Bendit seemed, at least to low I.Q. listeners who have difficulty understanding hypotheticals and big words and abstract philosophical concepts, to tell his radio audience that Black people caused most of the violent crime in the nation and that this was because of Black genes, and that to drive down the crime rate all one had to do was abort Black babies. - (Commentary) - (H. Millard)    

    "Not that the Jews are all-powerful, let alone all bad. But they are successful..."
"Is Judaism an appropriate model for survival of the West?" - Kevin MacDonald

    Every Black Kid Should Strive to Be a Professional Athlete - by   - (more sports)

  • The Color of Cornell's Crime - unmasking the face... - (88)  
  • Blacks are as much more dangerous than whites as men are more dangerous than women
  • Blacks commit violent crimes at four to eight times the white rate.
    Hispanics commit violent crimes at approximately three times the white rate, and Asians at one half to three quarters the white rate
  • There is more black-on-white than black-on-black violent crime

    HITLER'S BITCH by Constantin von Hoffmeister © 2005
Constantin von HoffmeisterSavitri Devi: 100 years
(born September 30, 1905)

she liked to admire
to worship
to pray
to perform silly rituals
with no shame

(more at link) - (Von Hoffmeister index)  - (Commentary)

    VDARE: Color Of Crime, Sound Of (Big Media) Silence - By Jared Taylor

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    Population Alert: Whites Must Breed or Face Extinction!
"White people (pardon the expression) are actually experiencing a population decline."

Cost of the War in Iraq


    Ecc 1:9 ... [there is] no new [thing] under the sun.

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Poll: What is the best solution for racial problems?
Ref: The American Colonization Society

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