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11 June 2005 archive

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    The Zebra Killings - A Forgotten Hate Crime
The Zebra KillingsThe Zebra Killings occurred in the San Francisco bay area between 1972 and 1974 and left 71 people dead. They were dubbed the Zebra Killings because of the radio channel used by the police investigating the case (channel Z). The name would take on a more sinister meaning as it became apparent that a group of blacks was systematically stalking and killing whites simply because of the color of their skin. - (Norcal) - (hatecrimes)
In the early-to-mid 1970's hundreds of White men, women and children were murdered by black Muslims as an initiation to an organization called the "Death Angels." These were known as the "Zebra Killings" after the radio channel (Z) that the investigators working the case used. Once they became a Death Angel, black wings were affixed to their photograph and put on display along with the other members at highly secret meetings. In order to "earn their wings", prospects were required to kill either 9 White men, 5 White women or 4 White children. The purported reason for the difference in number of victims needed to become a member was that it was believed to require more fanaticism to murder women and kids. The real reason was that it was much easier to kill those who were weaker and less likely to fight back.

    James Manuel Noriega Convicted of Killing his eight months' pregnant girlfriend and her 2-year-old daughter
James Manuel NoriegaThe nude bodies of 21-year-old Kathleen Martinez and her daughter Savanna Zamora were found in the shower of a motel room where the couple had been living. Martinez had a pair of black stretch pants twisted around her neck.
Ref: Defense opens case in Noriega trial - (crime)








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    Canada: Black preacher accuses presbytery of racism
 Darryl Gray
The Montreal presbytery announced this week it had ended Darryl Gray's admission as a minister of the church. It said it did so in the belief Gray would not complete the required master of divinity degree by the agreed upon - and extended - deadline.
"Why does (Braman) insult this congregation?" Gray asked. " Is it because we are black - a black congregation in a black community?" "This is not a plantation. And I choose my words very carefully. I know what I'm saying. It's not a plantation and we're not house Negroes." - (Canada)

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    MAY 9: SEISMIC VICTORY - by Constantin von Hoffmeister and Vladimir Frolov (c) 2005



Cost of the War in Iraq
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Poll: What is the best solution for racial problems?
Ref: The American Colonization Society

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