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10 June 2005 archive
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9 June 2005 archived
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    Canada: Black preacher accuses presbytery of racism
 Darryl Gray
The Montreal presbytery announced this week it had ended Darryl Gray's admission as a minister of the church. It said it did so in the belief Gray would not complete the required master of divinity degree by the agreed upon - and extended - deadline.
"Why does (Braman) insult this congregation?" Gray asked. " Is it because we are black - a black congregation in a black community?" "This is not a plantation. And I choose my words very carefully. I know what I'm saying. It's not a plantation and we're not house Negroes." - (Canada)

    Santiago Faces Charges of Raping Runaway Teens
Jimmy Santiago
20-year old Jimmy Santiago faces charges that he raped young girls who had runaway in exchange for letting them stay with him. Prosecutors have filed charges now involving a second victim and are preparing to take their case to court in both cases. He faces several charges of sexual assault. Santiago was investigated after police say a 14-year old girl ran away from a group home and decided to stay at his trailer house. Tthe girl was required to sign a so-called 'contract' to stay there. One of the rules stated that if any girl fell asleep with their shoes on, the men could do what they wanted to the girls. - (reader link) - (crime)



  • Analysts missed Chinese buildup - by Bill Gertz
    A highly classified intelligence report produced for the new director of national intelligence concludes that U.S. spy agencies failed to recognize several key military developments in China in the past decade.



  • Battle Over Confederate Symbols in Tenn.
    A proposal in predominantly black Memphis aims to rename Confederate Park, Jefferson Davis Park and Nathan Bedford Forrest Park, and would place the statues of the two Confederate leaders in museums. Confederate Flag

8 June 2005 archived
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    Condemned Killer Challenges Tenn. Method
Abu-Ali Abdur RahmanTenn. -- A condemned killer is challenging Tennessee's method of lethal injection, calling it an illogical process in part because it includes a drug forbidden in the euthanasia of animals. A lawyer for Abu-Ali Abdur Rahman, (formerly James Lee Jones), 54, will argue before the state Supreme Court on Wednesday. Abdur'Rahman is asking the court to order the state's Department of Corrections to revise the way executions are conducted. This man of "mixed African American and Native American" descent has been on Tennessee’s death row for the past 16 years for the murder of Patrick Daniels.

    Antwan Hall Convicted In Middletown Bar Rape
Antwan Hall
A Dayton man has been convicted of raping and beating a woman inside a Middletown bar.
Antwan Hall could get up to 58 years in prison on the rape, kidnapping, aggravated robbery, and felonious assault charges. Hall attacked the woman inside the Middletown bar in January. Delivery men found the victim tied up the next morning.
- (White Boy) - (crime)

    Queens. subway rape horror
rapistA young woman was raped on a desolate Queens subway platform early yesterday near two horrified transit workers who heard her cries but could not stop the savage attack. She was able to give cops a denoscription of her attacker, and police were searching for a black man in his 20s who stands about 5-feet-8 and has short brown hair. - (The Bobster)

    WGNU Radio Host Charged With Murdering Woman
Leonardo DrisdelA St. Louis radio talk show host is charged with murdering a young woman. Leonardo Drisdel, 46, is accused of beating, cutting and biting Cassandra Kovack, 28. Drisdel told his wife he was doing drugs with Kovack Saturday night when he heard voices that told him to attack her. Kovack's body was found Sunday. Police say she had been kicked, beaten and had bite marks on her face. - (White Boy) - (crime)

7 June 2005 archived
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