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Archive for 29 June 2005





    Pomona rape suspect's trial begins - Prosecution says suspect's DNA matches evidence
James Winslow DixonChristina BurmeisterThe mother of slain Cerritos resident Christina Burmeister took the stand in Pomona Superior Court Tuesday, recalling the last moments she saw her daughter alive.
It was the first day of testimony in the preliminary hearing for James Winslow Dixon, the man accused of kidnapping and murdering the Cal Poly Pomona student. Rosie Burmeister, the first of several people to testify, said her 20-year-old daughter asked for permission to leave their Cerritos home to go to a get-together at a Pomona fraternity house. - (forum) - (Black on White)

    Dirty Old Man Arrested For Sexually Assaulting 4-Year-Old
Bennie JonesLouis County Police arrested 66-year-old Bennie Jones, and he has been charged with statutory sodomy. Prosecutors say a witness saw Jones "sitting on a bed, pants pulled down below his knees and 4 year old [female victim] was performing oral sex on him." Police say Jones told them he does not remember doing it, but if someone saw him, then he says he must have done it. The incident is alleged to have happened on Friday, June 24th. - (aryan_barbarian) - (crime)

    Gerald Fuller charged Tuesday with kidnapping and raping a 12-year-old girl
Gerald Fuller A man is being held on a $100,000 bond after being charged with kidnapping and raping a 12-year-old girl. Gerald Fuller, 40, has been charged with first-degree criminal sexual conduct, kidnapping, possession of a weapon during the commission of a crime and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. The judge asked the victim's mother if she wanted to address the court. "What he did to her, it was wrong. She won't even talk to me." "The defendant coerced the victim into coming out and meeting him that night - He then forced her to a location at which time he sexually assaulted her, threatening to do her bodily harm with a knife." - (forum)

    Lakeluius Swain accused of raping 12-year-old girl on Greyhound bus
Lakeluius SwainAlabama Man Arrested After 12-Year-Old Claims He Raped Her on a Bus
Police have arrested an Alabama man after a 12-year-old accused him of rape. The girl claims it happened on a bus leaving Shreveport.Detective L.A. Montgomery: Allegedly, a black male forced his way into a bathroom on a Greyhound bus and forcibly raped a 12-year-old girl... Police say the girl was traveling alone and got off the bus in Longview, where she was heading to her grandmother's home. She then told her grandmother about the alleged sexual assault and that the man was still on the bus. Officers say they found the man with blood on his clothing. As police escorted him to jail, he did not deny having sex with the girl... - (Brewski)

    DNA leads to arrest in 1994 case of rape of 71-year-old woman
Keith HawkinsA man has been indicted and arrested in connection with a 1994 rape case, prosecutor Joe Deters said. Almost 11 years later, DNA evidence recently connected Keith Hawkins, 37, to the rape of a then 71-year-old woman in her Kenwood home on July 17, 1994, Deters said.
Hawkins, of Walnut Hills, allegedly climbed through a second-story window, tied the victim with a phone cord, threatened her with a knife and raped her. He also took money and other property. - (White Boy)


    Miami Teen Gets 10 Years For Mother's Stabbing Death - Boy Stabbed Mother After She Threatened Whipping
Alexander Bedford An "abused" teenager who initially faced a life sentence for fatally stabbing his mother in the heart when he was 14 was sentenced Tuesday to 10 years in state custody under a plea agreement. Alexander Bedford, 18, confessed to killing his mother after she ordered him to get an extension cord for a whipping over a bad report card. The defense maintained the boy had been physically and emotionally abused for years -- including being dressed in women's clothing by his mother's girlfriend -- and a teacher's suspicion of child abuse had not been followed up. - (aryan_barbarian) - (crime)

    Newport News Police Issue Warrant for Roanoke Police Chief
Joe GaskinsRoanoke Police Chief Joe Gaskins' estranged wife has sworn out a warrant accusing him of simple assault, Newport News officials said Tuesday. V.W. Gaskins obtained the warrant Tuesday, a day after officers responded to a call about a verbal confrontation that had become physical. Neither Joe Gaskins nor his wife wanted to press charges Monday, Thurston said, but V.W. Gaskins apparently changed her mind. - (Tyrone N. Butts) - (TNB)


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  Ref: Google search for "Wen Ho Lee" + espionage


  • Filipino Who Killed U.S. Colonel Freed
    Donato Continente, 43, denied any role in the April 21, 1989, communist guerrilla ambush on Col. James Nicolas Rowe, whose car was raked with bullets near his office in the Manila suburb of Quezon City, killing him and wounding his driver.

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    I Am Proud To Be White - from an NNN reader from Texas

Illegal alien fruit
H. Millard index


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