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  Negro accused of exposing himself to a Brownie troop
Andrew SmallsA grand jury indicted a Savannah man accused of exposing himself to a Brownie troop in front of the Juliette Gordon Low Girl Scout National Center House. Andrew Smalls, 57, of the 500 block Blair Street, is charged with child molestation and public indecency, a felony and a misdemeanor. The Brownies ran away as soon as they saw him, but Veda Williams, who works at the Juliette Gordon Low house, saw their reaction as well as Smalls' exposure. - (Tyrone N. Butts)

  Actor Anthony Anderson Sued for Sexual Assault
Anthony Anderson A woman has filed suit against Anthony Anderson and Warner Bros. TV, alleging the actor sexually assaulted her after a Los Angeles TV show taping. The plaintiff said Anderson invited her to his dressing room, where he made suggestive comments, grabbed her genital area and sexually assaulted her.In July, Anderson was charged with raping a woman who appeared as an extra on 'Hustle & Flow,' a film he was shooting. - (The Bobster)


Michael Jackson is in court in California, to see the mother of the boy accusing him of sexual abuse


  Free homes to 47 Mexican mothers of women killed in a string of sexually motivated slayings


16 Sep 2004 archived
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1025+ US WMD-dead in Iraq * U.S. & "Coalition" Casualties * Iraqi casualties * * Bushwar legacy 

  Oregon woman Raped By Black Fellow - MAX Passenger
Mark Anthony Lockhart A woman says she was raped after leaving a MAX light rail train in Beaverton. The victim told police that she got off at the Millikan Way Station with a man she met on board. He convinced her to take a nearby shortcut. She followed him into the woods, where he allegedly raped her and threatened to slice her throat with a knife. The attacker ran when a passerby heard her screams for help. A felony arrest warrant has been issued for 23-year-old Mark Anthony Lockhart. - (forum) - (NNN Northwest)

  Serial Rapist Gets Life for Calif. Attacks
Mark Wayne RathbunLONG BEACH, Calif. -- A serial rapist convicted of attacking more than a dozen women in Southern California over a five-year period was sentenced to life in prison. Mark Wayne Rathbun was convicted last month in a series of attacks that began in 1997 and continued until his arrest in 2002. Prosecutors said the drifter climbed into open windows and sneaked through unlocked doors to sexually assault women in Long Beach, as well as nearby cities. - (forum)

  Sports: Two LaSalle basketballers accused of rape
Michael CleavesGary Neal Two former LaSalle University basketball players accused of rape are expected in court. Michael Cleaves of northern New Jersey and 19-year-old Gary Neal of Baltimore will face an arraignment. Police say they sexually assaulted a women's college basketball player last June, while she was attending a camp at LaSalle. Former LaSalle basketball player a no-show at rape arraignment (subnoscription) - (forum) - (NNN Sports)

  Three of four black males arrested for home-invasion rape in Potomac, Maryland
Ref: Montgomery County police are looking for four black males between 20 and 25 years-old - (forum)

  Two Charged with Rape and Murder in Death of Wilson Teen
James Arthur Johnson, Kenneth Maurice Meeks and a wiggerBrittany Tyler Willis Two were charged with the murder of 17-year-old Brittany Tyler Willis who disappeared while running errands, and a third teen is charged with being an accessory after the killing. James Arthur Johnson, 18, and Kenneth Maurice Meeks, 16, were each charged with first-degree kidnapping, robbery with a dangerous weapon, murder and first-degree rape. Julian Deans, 19, was charged with accessory after the fact. - (ALAN RICHARDS)


  • New charges against jailed terror suspects
    WASHINGTON (AP) — Two men were charged with providing financial support to terrorists and recruiting terror group members, including one person identified by U.S. authorities as alleged "dirty bomber" Jose Padilla. A 10-count grand jury indictment handed up charges Adgan Amin Hassoun and Mohamed Hesham Youssef with providing material support to terrorists and conspiracy to provide support. Hassoun has been in custody on other charges in Florida since June 2003 and Youssef is jailed in Egypt. The indictment contends that Hassoun helped recruit individuals from the United States for groups engaging in Islamic "jihad," or holy war, in several countries.
  • Sami Latchin, an Iraqi-born man accused of being a "sleeper agent" was ordered released
  • Gen. Says He Didn't Mean to Malign Islam
    "I'm not anti-Islam, I'm not anti-Allah," Lt. Gen. William Boykin said in an interview broadcast on CBS.
    He said that America's enemy was Satan, that "God had put President Bush in the White House".
    A group of 11 Democratic members of Congress wrote to Bush urging him to remove Boykin.

  • Iraq: "Black soldiers are a particular target. 'To have Negroes occupying us is a particular humiliation,' Abu Mujahed said, echoing the profound racism prevalent in much of the Middle East. 'Sometimes we aborted a mission because there were no Negroes.' - (Tyrone N. Butts)

  Honorable Out For Chinese Muslim Army Spy Suspect James J. Yee


15 Sep 2004 archived
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1020+ US WMD-dead in Iraq * U.S. & "Coalition" Casualties * Iraqi casualties * * Bushwar legacy 

  Tancredo presses White House on control of border

  Time Magazine asks "Who left the door open?"
Despite all the talk of homeland security, sneaking into the U.S. is scandalously easy–and on the rise. Millions of illegal aliens will pour across the U.S.-Mexican border this year, many from countries hostile to America. TIME looks at the damage, the dangers and the reasons the U.S. fails to protect itself. -

  DRUDGE: 3 Million More Illegal Aliens Expected This Year



  Zimbabwe Turns Back Clock After Turmoil
The agriculture-based economy has been decimated by the often-violent seizure of thousands of white-owned farms for reallocation to black Zimbabweans, coupled with erratic rains.

   Nigerian migrant gynecologist facing sex and fraud charges
Charles MomahProsecutors say they will file felony sexual-abuse and insurance-fraud charges today against Dr. Charles Momah, a South King County gynecologist whose license was suspended by state regulators a year ago after a patient accused him of rape. The criminal charges join nearly four dozen civil lawsuits and 19 charges of unprofessional conduct filed against Momah in the past year. Most of the civil cases have been filed by women who say Momah assaulted them. - (reader link) - (NNN Northwest)

   Youngest Child Sentenced to Life Denies Probation Violation
Lionel TateLionel Tate was 12 in 1999 when he fatally beat Tiffany Eunick, a girl his mother was baby-sitting. A jury convicted him of first-degree murder, triggering an automatic life sentence. An appeals court overturned the conviction and sentence, and Tate pleaded guilty in a plea deal to second-degree murder.

  Toronto: HIV-AIDS carrier deliberately spreading plague
Vincent WalkemDetectives are seeking anyone who may have known 28-year-old Vincent Walkem. They accuse the HIV-positive man of deliberately having unprotected sex with a large number of women, despite being under orders to reveal his status to any potential intimate contacts.
- (Commentary by John Deere) - (NNN Canada)

14 Sep 2004 archived
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1013+ US WMD-dead in Iraq * U.S. & "Coalition" Casualties * Iraqi casualties * * Bushwar legacy 

  Omaha Police Seek Black Serial Rapist - (sketch) - (Hellcat)

  Darkest Africa: Zambian man exhumes and eats grandson's corpse - (Mogly)

  NAACP forum addresses academic gap - (Tyrone N. Butts)

  Police Hunt Hispanic Accused Of Assaulting Miami-Dade Woman - (sketch) - (Hellcat)

  A follower of Madonna’s Kabbalah sect killed her lover and great-grandmother, claiming the group “controlled her"
- (Hellcat)

  Aboriginal News: Reaffirmation of Nationhood of the Dalungbara Aboriginal People
· The Dalungbara Aboriginal People bring to the public attention that we reaffirm our nationhood, including all our traditional land prior to British invasion. · Our nationhood has never been surrendered. · We claim all of our traditional land as cultural heritage and as sacred. (more at link) - (NNN Aboriginal)

Lyall Sempf has seceded from the invalid Commonwealth of Australia.

"A citizen has every right to form a new nation, or join a new nation."

13 Sep 2004 archived
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  Young Swedish nationalist murdered by immigrants
James WaiteThe night between Saturday and Sunday the 14-year-old white boy James Waite was stabbed to death by a gang of immigrants north of Swedish capital Stockholm. Waite had participated in a barbecue with his friends when he on the way home met his assassins, a group of five to seven immigrant youths. "Are you a Nazi", one of them asked young James. "Yes", he replied, whereupon he was assaulted, stabbed several times in the chest, one blow piercing his heart. He later bled to death on the way to a children¹s hospital.

  Jury Sought for La. Serial Killings Case
Charlotte Murray PaceSerial killings suspect Derrick Todd Lee went on trial for his life. Authorities said DNA evidence linked him to the murders of seven women between April 1998 and March 2003 and the assault of a nurse who is expected to testify that Lee tried to rape and kill her.The judge said he would try to find local residents who can give an unbiased verdict of whether Lee beat and stabbed 22-year-old Charlotte Murray Pace in a violent struggle throughout her home. Pace was killed May 31, 2002. Her partially clothed body was found in her roommate's bedroom and she had been slashed, beaten and stabbed 81 times with a flathead screwdriver and a knife. Detectives said her hands were bruised, suggesting she fought her attacker. - (forum)

12 Sep 2004 archived
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windows of the soul - (c) 2004 by NNN
windows of the soul - (c) 2004 by NNN

  The Color of Crime - "Blacks are statistically 50 times more likely to attack whites than vice versa"

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