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windows of the soul - (c) 2004 by NNN

  Illegal African Migrants swamp Italian island
Almost 500 illegal immigrants, mostly thought to be from Africa, arrived on the southern Italian island of Lampedusa on one boat this weekend. The weekend saw another boatload of about 190 reach Lampedusa, while a third group of 100 reached Sicily. Ref: Some four million Nigerians are estimated to be living with Aids


  Omaha: three 'youths' gang-rape mentally challenged girl
Chase L. MillerBail for a 16-year-old Omaha boy charged with kidnapping and first-degree sexual assault of mentally challenged girl will remain at $1 million. The judge said that he could find no reason to reduce the bail amount for Chase L. Miller. The girl, 15, told police she was walking home from swimming when Miller, Julian Jackson, 16, and Jacob M. Rauterkus, 18, lured her into a car. The trio forced her out of the car and took turns sexually assaulting her. - (Border Ruffian, reader link)

  Suspect in murder of seven-month-pregnant white girl arrested in NYC
David Wayne BellJennifer HelmedechFay Bennett David Wayne Bell, 18, was arrested and held in the Bronx on several arrest warrants including robbery, assault, larceny and attempted kidnapping charges. Bell is "a person of interest" in connection with the murder of Fay Bennett. She was found stabbed to death. Found with Bell was Jennifer Helmedech. She and her one year old daughter Ayanna were seen leaving the crime scene with Bell. - (svejk, reader link)
The body was identified as Fay Bennett, who was six months pregnant and a childhood friend of Jennifer's.

Ref: Man wanted for Meriden stabbing; Baby missing


  Social Security Insolvent by 2018: Report
The Social Security System will become insolvent by 2018 without major reforms, as its unfunded liabilities surpass three times the nation's national debt. Ref: US National Debt Clock - 7 TRILLION PLUS++
The National Debt has continued to increase an average of $1.72 billion per day since September 30, 2003!


11 Sep 2004 archived
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1007+ US WMD-dead in Iraq * U.S. & "Coalition" Casualties * Iraqi casualties * * Bushwar legacy 

  12-Year Old Columbia Twp. Girl Allegedly Raped
Bobby VaughnThe girl tells sheriff's deputies she was raped twice late Thursday night in a room at the Motel-6. She claims one man held her down while another raped her. The girl called her mother for help at around midnight and her mother called police. Bobby Vaughn, 47-years old, was taken into custody. - (forum)

  Savannah: Police release sketch of suspect in southside Savannah sexual assaults
Savannah rapistInvestigators say the man kidnapped a 20-year-old woman at gunpoint from a parking lot, forced the woman into her car, drove to a secluded location and sexually assaulted her before driving her home. Just two days later, the man abducted another 20-year-old woman from her apartment complex, drove her to a remote location, then sexually assaulted her. - (Tyrone N. Butts)

  Race of four black "youths" that assaulted, sodomized and raped a couple in the park was suppressed
Ref: the assailants were black teens "from 16 to 19 years old" -
(way down the page)
Ref: Editor complains that above denoscription that 'leaked out' promotes 'racial stereotypes' - (forum)

  2 cops die in shooting - Nab ex-con after B'klyn manhunt
Marlon LegereAn ex-con wanted in a domestic violence case shot and killed two NYPD detectives in cold blood with one of their own guns after they confronted him on a Brooklyn street last night, police said. Sources said the horrific incident unfolded after detectives got a call from the mother of Marlon Legere, 28. Legere had broken mirrors in his mother's home and stolen her car in May. Legere had done three stints in prison, beginning in 1993, for attempted drug sale, sexual abuse and attempted assault. - (Raptorman)

  Haitian man on trial for raping a woman in Franklin Park
is also is charged with hatching a fiendish plot to kill his wife and collect on her life insurance to finance the murder of a man who witnessed the rape. Maxene Pierre, 40, could be imprisoned for life if convicted on multiple counts of aggravated rape, conspiracy to commit murder, assault and battery and assault with a dangerous weapon. The prosecutor laid out for the jury a complicated plan involving three murders Pierre allegedly hoped would prevent his conviction in the Aug. 28, 2000, rape of a 26-year-old.
a 26-year-old woman said she pleaded desperately with three men to leave her alone before they raped her in Franklin Park. The woman's testimony in Suffolk Superior Court opened day two of the trial of Maxene Pierre.

  Mississippi: Two blacks invade home, beat up white man, steal cash and car
Jason AndersonJason Anderson says, "I'm not worried about my car, the boys who did this they came in my house they violated me they tied me up they beat me up stole my cash stole my car." Jason Anderson says, "just give me ten minutes with them with a shotgun I'll take care of both of em'." Jason Anderson describes his attackers as two black males with slender builds. Both were about five feet six inches tall.  - (Tyrone N. Butts)

  New Mexico: Mexican national pleads guilty in rape of girl child less than 8-years
SANTA FE (AP) - A 34-year-old man has pleaded guilty to charges of attempted rape and criminal sexual contact with a minor after authorities say he broke into an apartment and assaulted a young girl. Geronimo Lopes, who’s a Mexican national, entered the guilty pleas after striking a deal with prosecutors. The state agreed to the plea deal because of the age of victim, who is now 8, and her difficultly speaking about the incident. - (forum)

  Mexifornia: Parolee Gutierrez enters plea to rape charges

  Two Chinese Indicted in Immigrant Smuggling Plot
LOS ANGELES -- A federal grand jury indicted two Hong Kong brothers Friday for allegedly plotting a scheme in which 17 Chinese immigrants were smuggled into port inside a 40-foot-long shipping container. Yau-Hang Chan and Yau-Hung Chan were being held by Hong Kong authorities on Chinese immigration charges and U.S. authorities plan to seek their extradition. Officers acting on a tip found the smuggled immigrants Feb. 24 in a shipping container at the Port of Los Angeles. - (NNN Invasion)


10 Sep 2004 archived
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   Video tape, baby seat and detective work help nab rape suspect
Cedric Terrence Johnson Houston - A man is behind bars after police say he kidnapped a woman, raped her, and then forced her to withdraw money from her bank account. Cedric Terrence Johnson is behind bars, charged with two counts of aggravated sexual assault and one count of kidnapping. Police say they have reason to believe that Johnson may be responsible for other rapes in the Houston area. - (The Bobster)

9 Sep 2004 archived
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1005+ US WMD-dead in Iraq * U.S. & "Coalition" Casualties * Iraqi casualties * * Bushwar legacy 


  17-Year-Old Tashaun Suspected In Recent Sex Assaults
Tashaun Vickers Police in Prince George's County have arrested a 17-year-old in connection with a July sexual assault. Tashaun Vickers who was charged for an assault that took place July 31, also was charged by Prince William County police for another assault. Vickers was considered so dangerous that special permission was given to police to release his picture to the media. After the photo was broadcast on television police received a tip, and Vickers was arrested. - (forum)

  Police Put Day-Care Worker Behind Bars - Reportedly Engaged In Homo-faggot Behavior With Boy, 7
Justice MansonPolice said a woman called them Monday accusing Justice Manson, 25, of inappropriately touching her 7-year-old son. Manson was arrested and charged with indecency with a child and was transported to jail. Police said Manson is a family friend who spent the night at the victim's mother's apartment. Manson has reportedly worked at several childcare facilities. - (Border Ruffian)


Migrant worker on the run, charged with sexually assaulting 10 yr old girl he was baby-sitting
Jose Perez33-year-old Jose Perez is a migrant worker who is on the run. He's been charged with sexually assaulting a 10-year girl he was baby-sitting last month for his girlfriend. Perez was driving a Brown, older model Ford ranger. - (Border Ruffian)

  Texas: Face put to heavy set "Hispanic" Ranch bedroom serial rape suspect
Hispanic rape suspectSheriff's investigators have determined sexual assaults, reported Jan. 21, June 4 and Aug. 20 are connected. In all three cases, female victims awoke in the early hours to find the suspect in their bedroom, where he assaulted them and fled on foot. All three victims described the suspect as a heavy set Hispanic man. - (Svejk)


  Texas: Catholic Priest admits inappropriate relationships with teenaged girl and another woman
Lonnie ReyesAfter 18 years as pastor of Santa Julia Catholic Church, Monsignor Lonnie Reyes left without any explanations. The 62-year-old religious leader, admitted to having sex with a teenaged girl in the 70s. Reyes also admitted to a second affair with another woman, during the same time period, although it's not known whether she was a minor. - (The Bobster)


   Gay Boy Scout leader David Putnam confesses to molesting boys
FONTANA - A former Boy Scout leader who had molested at least three children during nearly two decades was in jail Tuesday after he called police and confessed to the crimes. David Putnam, 41, of Fontana, admitted he molested two Fontana boys and one 9-year-old boy he knew while working for a mentoring program in Orange County in 1985. Fontana police said there may be more victims. - (Abominations)

  Witchdoctors licensed in post-apartheid South Africa
witch doctorA bill to regulate South Africa's 200,000 traditional healers has been adopted by parliament.
Some 70% of South Africans consult healers, known as sangomas. Human sacrifice. Some witchdoctors have been known to recommend the use of human body parts to make magic charms. And some are blamed for helping spread Aids by advising patients that it can be cured by having sex with a virgin. This has led to a spate of child-rapes some of babies just a few months old.

8 Sep 2004 archived
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Aztec human sacrifice
H. Millard index

  The Color of Crime - "Blacks are statistically 50 times more likely to attack whites than vice versa"

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