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   Video tape, baby seat and detective work help nab rape suspect
Cedric Terrence Johnson Houston - A man is behind bars after police say he kidnapped a woman, raped her, and then forced her to withdraw money from her bank account. Cedric Terrence Johnson is behind bars, charged with two counts of aggravated sexual assault and one count of kidnapping. Police say they have reason to believe that Johnson may be responsible for other rapes in the Houston area. - (The Bobster)

9 Sep 2004 archived
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1005+ US WMD-dead in Iraq * U.S. & "Coalition" Casualties * Iraqi casualties * * Bushwar legacy 


  17-Year-Old Tashaun Suspected In Recent Sex Assaults
Tashaun Vickers Police in Prince George's County have arrested a 17-year-old in connection with a July sexual assault. Tashaun Vickers who was charged for an assault that took place July 31, also was charged by Prince William County police for another assault. Vickers was considered so dangerous that special permission was given to police to release his picture to the media. After the photo was broadcast on television police received a tip, and Vickers was arrested. - (forum)

  Police Put Day-Care Worker Behind Bars - Reportedly Engaged In Homo-faggot Behavior With Boy, 7
Justice MansonPolice said a woman called them Monday accusing Justice Manson, 25, of inappropriately touching her 7-year-old son. Manson was arrested and charged with indecency with a child and was transported to jail. Police said Manson is a family friend who spent the night at the victim's mother's apartment. Manson has reportedly worked at several childcare facilities. - (Border Ruffian)


Migrant worker on the run, charged with sexually assaulting 10 yr old girl he was baby-sitting
Jose Perez33-year-old Jose Perez is a migrant worker who is on the run. He's been charged with sexually assaulting a 10-year girl he was baby-sitting last month for his girlfriend. Perez was driving a Brown, older model Ford ranger. - (Border Ruffian)

  Texas: Face put to heavy set "Hispanic" Ranch bedroom serial rape suspect
Hispanic rape suspectSheriff's investigators have determined sexual assaults, reported Jan. 21, June 4 and Aug. 20 are connected. In all three cases, female victims awoke in the early hours to find the suspect in their bedroom, where he assaulted them and fled on foot. All three victims described the suspect as a heavy set Hispanic man. - (Svejk)


  Texas: Catholic Priest admits inappropriate relationships with teenaged girl and another woman
Lonnie ReyesAfter 18 years as pastor of Santa Julia Catholic Church, Monsignor Lonnie Reyes left without any explanations. The 62-year-old religious leader, admitted to having sex with a teenaged girl in the 70s. Reyes also admitted to a second affair with another woman, during the same time period, although it's not known whether she was a minor. - (The Bobster)


   Gay Boy Scout leader David Putnam confesses to molesting boys
FONTANA - A former Boy Scout leader who had molested at least three children during nearly two decades was in jail Tuesday after he called police and confessed to the crimes. David Putnam, 41, of Fontana, admitted he molested two Fontana boys and one 9-year-old boy he knew while working for a mentoring program in Orange County in 1985. Fontana police said there may be more victims. - (Abominations)





  Witchdoctors licensed in post-apartheid South Africa
witch doctorA bill to regulate South Africa's 200,000 traditional healers has been adopted by parliament.
Some 70% of South Africans consult healers, known as sangomas. Human sacrifice. Some witchdoctors have been known to recommend the use of human body parts to make magic charms. And some are blamed for helping spread Aids by advising patients that it can be cured by having sex with a virgin. This has led to a spate of child-rapes some of babies just a few months old.

8 Sep 2004 archived
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1003+ US WMD-dead in Iraq * U.S. & "Coalition" Casualties * Iraqi casualties * * Bushwar legacy 

  Wilmington police search for black serial rapist preying on young white females - (Border Ruffian)

  Teen who was imprisoned, freed for wrestling death arrested on probation violation charges
Lionel TateLionel Tate, the teen who walked out of prison eight months ago after his life sentence for the killing of a 6-year-old playmate was overturned, was arrested on charges of violating his probation. A judge said earlier this year that Tate could be sent back to prison if he violated probation. Tate, who gave a false name, and his 18-year-old friend told sheriff's officials they had been "chasing girls". Tate agreed to a search, and deputies found a folding knife with a four-inch blade. - (Tyrone N. Butts)

  WMD Chemical attack near Pittsburgh on police officers - Officers Recovering From Bleach Attack
Brendalyn GoodmanTwo Clairton police officers are still being treated for chemical burns after responding to a neighborhood dispute on Aug. 31. According to police, three officers responded to a neighborhood dispute, and when two of them approached a home, a cup of bleach was thrown at them. Police said Brendalyn Goodman was arrested on several charges, including assault. Goodman allegedly threw the bleach at the officers. - (Border Ruffian)

  Nebraska: Child molester's sentence vacated because of judge's Bible reference
Jay BrunaAaron Pattno An appeals court threw out a child molester's sentence because of religious comments made by the trial judge. Jay Bruna, a bus driver sentenced to 15 to 50 years for sexually assaulting a 12-year-old boy on his bus, will remain in prison until he is rensentenced. In 1998, another of Thompson's sentences was thrown out against Aaron Pattno for sexually assaulting a 13-year-old boy. During that sentencing, Thompson recited passages from the Bible denouncing homosexuality.

  Houston District Wants Immigrant School

  Ex-Officer Steven A. Rios Pleads Not Guilty To Murder of gay lover Jesse James Valencia
Steven A. RiosJesse James Valencia Rios, who is married, acknowledged having a homosexual relationship with Valencia. They said Rios killed Valencia after the student threatened to tell the police chief about the relationship. Ref: Whoever cut Jesse James Valencia’s throat left the 23-year-old bleeding on the grass between two East Campus apartment buildings, where he went undiscovered for hours. Ref: JESSE VALENCIA gospel memorial

7 Sep 2004 archived
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  The Color of Crime - "Blacks are statistically 50 times more likely to attack whites than vice versa"

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