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1003+ US WMD-dead in Iraq * U.S. & "Coalition" Casualties * Iraqi casualties * * Bushwar legacy 

  Wilmington police search for black serial rapist preying on young white females - (Border Ruffian)

  Teen who was imprisoned, freed for wrestling death arrested on probation violation charges
Lionel TateLionel Tate, the teen who walked out of prison eight months ago after his life sentence for the killing of a 6-year-old playmate was overturned, was arrested on charges of violating his probation. A judge said earlier this year that Tate could be sent back to prison if he violated probation. Tate, who gave a false name, and his 18-year-old friend told sheriff's officials they had been "chasing girls". Tate agreed to a search, and deputies found a folding knife with a four-inch blade. - (Tyrone N. Butts)

  WMD Chemical attack near Pittsburgh on police officers - Officers Recovering From Bleach Attack
Brendalyn GoodmanTwo Clairton police officers are still being treated for chemical burns after responding to a neighborhood dispute on Aug. 31. According to police, three officers responded to a neighborhood dispute, and when two of them approached a home, a cup of bleach was thrown at them. Police said Brendalyn Goodman was arrested on several charges, including assault. Goodman allegedly threw the bleach at the officers. - (Border Ruffian)

  Nebraska: Child molester's sentence vacated because of judge's Bible reference
Jay BrunaAaron Pattno An appeals court threw out a child molester's sentence because of religious comments made by the trial judge. Jay Bruna, a bus driver sentenced to 15 to 50 years for sexually assaulting a 12-year-old boy on his bus, will remain in prison until he is rensentenced. In 1998, another of Thompson's sentences was thrown out against Aaron Pattno for sexually assaulting a 13-year-old boy. During that sentencing, Thompson recited passages from the Bible denouncing homosexuality.

  Houston District Wants Immigrant School

  Ex-Officer Steven A. Rios Pleads Not Guilty To Murder of gay lover Jesse James Valencia
Steven A. RiosJesse James Valencia Rios, who is married, acknowledged having a homosexual relationship with Valencia. They said Rios killed Valencia after the student threatened to tell the police chief about the relationship. Ref: Whoever cut Jesse James Valencia’s throat left the 23-year-old bleeding on the grass between two East Campus apartment buildings, where he went undiscovered for hours. Ref: JESSE VALENCIA gospel memorial

  Gun Makers Already Market Assault Weapons - With the federal ban on assault weapons set to expire next Monday, gun manufacturers are marketing military-style firearms and are ready to sell them as soon as Sept. 14. - (Sophia)

7 Sep 2004 archived
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  U.S. Toll In Iraq Nears 1,000

  999+ US WMD-dead in Iraq * U.S. & "Coalition" Casualties * Iraqi casualties * * Bushwar legacy 

   Viking Burial Site Found in England - (madkins)

6 Sep 2004 archived
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  993+ US WMD-dead in Iraq * U.S. & "Coalition" Casualties * Iraqi casualties * * Bushwar legacy 

  UK: Face of the teatime sex beast
teatime sex beast POLICE hunting a violent sex attacker today pleaded: If you think you know who he is, tell us immediately. They released this image of a man they believe committed a serious sex offence on a 24-year-old woman in Linthwaite as she returned home from work. The attacker is a well-built African Caribbean man in his late 20s or early 30s. - (Hellcat)

  Swazi king chooses another wife
King Mswati IIIAfrica's last absolute monarch, King Mswati III, has chosen a 16-year-old beauty queen as his latest bride-to-be. The Miss Teenage Swaziland finalist appeared at last week's annual reed dance during which 20,000 bare-breasted virgins parade in his honour. The 36-year-old king's behaviour has been criticised in a nation with one of the world's highest HIV/Aids rates.

The full horror of the Russian school atrocity began to emerge yesterday as traumatised children told horrific tales of stabbed babies and brutal rapes. It has also emerged that scores of the 323 who died - including many children - had been shot in the back. While despairing soldiers and rescue workers moved among the growing pile of body bags, it was revealed that an 18-month-old baby had been repeatedly stabbed by a black-clad terrorist who had run out of ammunition. Other survivors told how screaming teenage girls were dragged into rooms adjoining the gymnasium where they were being held and raped by their Chechen captors who chillingly made a video film of their appalling exploits. - (forum)
Mass funerals while Russia mourns * In pictures: Beslan school siege


5 Sep 2004 archived
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  Ultraleft black ex-legislator just indicted in North Carolina - (temp link content may change in a week)
Frank Ballance"Frank Ballance - an ultraleft black state legislator here in North Carolina, mainly famous for forcing rural school systems to merge with urban ghetto ones in same county to drag back both European-American tax base as well as students for them - just got federally indicted for fraud for stealing funds he appropriated; see full detailed article about it at
Matt Maggio, Editor and Publisher, Alamance Independent,
America's most politically-incorrect newspaper, Home of the Internet Gun Show"

Ref: Former congressman Ballance appears to face federal charge - (Tyrone N. Butts)
On Thursday, a federal jury indicted former U.S. Representative Frank Ballance on one count of conspiracy to commit mail fraud and money laundering.
Ref: Robin Hood was robbin' hood  - You are shocked, of course, to learn that a United States congressman has turned out to be a thieving, lying crook who betrayed the people who elected him. To be sure, Frank Ballance was mighty good to his family and friends. With your money.

  Canadian Muslims rally against hijab ban

  Chinese migrant charged with incest skips trial
Wei Li, 39, charged with committing two counts of incest with his stepdaughter failed to appear in court Wednesday morning for the first day of his trial. The prosecutor said it was her understanding that Li may have returned to his native country of the People’s Republic of China. Wei Li’s charges stem from a Jan. 19, 2004, incident in which he allegedly had intercourse two times with his stepdaughter, a junior high school student. - (Hellcat)

  GOP Congressman outed - Schrock will not run again; faces homosexual allegations - (Raptorman)

Aztec human sacrifice
H. Millard index

4 Sep 2004 archived
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  Police Identify Suspect In Grain Valley Carjacking, Rape
Jerry L. BanksGRAIN VALLEY, Mo. -- Police on Friday released a picture of a man wanted for the carjacking and rape of a woman earlier this week. Jerry L. Banks, 44, is charged with 18 counts, including kidnapping, rape, sodomy and armed criminal action. Banks is suspected of carjacking a 31-year-old woman at knifepoint as she was leaving work. Police said the woman was raped and forced to withdraw money from a Blue Springs bank. - (Border Ruffian)

  Trial opens in 1986 kidnap, rape and murder of 14-year-old Chula Vista girl
George Williams JrA convicted rapist with a history of molesting children went on trial yesterday in the 1986 slaying of a 14-year-old Chula Vista girl who was taken from her home while her parents slept. George Williams Jr., 49, could face the death penalty if convicted of kidnapping, raping and murdering Rickieann Blake, an eighth-grader whose body was dumped near the Main Street off-ramp of Interstate 5 in San Diego's Barrio Logan neighborhood. "George Williams does this stuff, he likes kids, he likes sex with kids and he likes violence and sex," - (Border Ruffian)

   Accused Rapist Has Preliminary Hearing in Virginia Beach
Kory Devon Johnson Kory Devon Johnson appeared in court during a preliminary hearing Friday. The judge said there was more than enough evidence to tie him to the rape of a 21-year-old woman last January - but officials fear there may be many more. Police say the victim was riding her bike to her minimum wage job on the morning of January 30 when she was beaten, pulled off her bicycle, dragged into the woods, raped, sodomized and robbed. - (forum)

3 Sep 2004 archived
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   Kansas cannibal gets "life" for carjacking, murder, cannibalism
Marc V. SappingtonA man convicted of killing three people, eating the flesh of his youngest victim, was sentenced to life in prison. Marc V. Sappington, 25, will not be eligible for parole for 75 years. Police said Sappington cut up the body of his youngest victim, Alton "Fred" Brown Jr., 16, then cooked and ate a small amount of his flesh. Sappington had planned to freeze the rest of the body and eat it later. Brown's body was the only one cannibalized. - (John Deere)

  College Basketball Recruits Accused Of Dorm Rape
a Donta Ridley from Baltimorean Eric Lawton from PhiladelphiaTwo basketball recruits at a college in New York state have been arrested and accused of raping a student in her dorm. The two incoming freshmen are roommates at Morrisville State College and live in the same residence hall as the woman alleging rape. They have been suspended from the school pending a campus judicial proceeding. Donta Ridley, 19, of Baltimore, and Eric Lawton, 21, of Philadelphia, were arraigned on first-degree rape charges. - (The Bobster) - (more sports)

  Sports: Former world welterweight champion Ricardo Mayorga has been accused of rape
Ricardo Mayorga The alleged incident is said to have taken place in a hotel room in Managua, Nicaragua in the early hours of Wednesday morning. An arrest warrant for rape was issued after examinations revealed the woman had injuries inflicted by punches. Several hotel employees confirmed the 30-year-old Ricardo Mayorga, a regular client, had taken a room with the young girl. - (more sports)

  UK: 14-year-old girl brutally rape by black
Women of BritainA community is in shock after a teenage girl was brutally raped in the shadow of a church just 200 yards from her Kentish Town home. The 14-year-old was walking along Marsden Street at about 7.30pm when she took a short cut by St Silas Church. As she went up a flight of steps, near the Chislet block of flats, she was grabbed from behind, dragged into a concrete bin shed and raped.

A friend of the victim's mother said the teenager had been left traumatised by the attack. She said: "She is a beautiful, decent girl and this never should have happened. The suspect, who fled the scene after the attack, is described as black, about 16 years old, 6ft tall, with braided hair.

2 Sep 2004 archived
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  The Color of Crime - "Blacks are statistically 50 times more likely to attack whites than vice versa"

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