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26 July 2004 - Archive
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  Houston: 11-year-old kidnapped, raped - black male in black Cadillac sought - (Panhead Bob, Hellcat)

  North Carolina: Recent Alleged Sexual Assault Has Raleigh Apartment Complex On Alert
rapistWomen living at a Southwest Raleigh apartment complex are on alert for a sexual predator. Police are looking for a man who allegedly broke into an apartment and sexually assaulted a young woman last weekend, not far from North Carolina State University.
Raleigh Woman Assaulted Over Weekend At Apartment Complex
(Tyrone N. Butts)

   Death Penalty Sought in Fatal Home Invasion
Roderick Calvin ThomasHeather RhodesA man accused of fatally shooting a 17-year-old girl during a home invasion robbery at a Newnan apartment complex could face the death penalty if convicted. Prosecutors announced that they would seek the death penalty against Roderick Calvin Thomas, 25, in the slaying of Heather Rhodes. Thomas and two other men each have been charged with two counts of murder, nine counts of aggravated assault as well as various robbery, kidnapping and weapons charges. Prosecutors are not seeking the death penalty against the other co-defendants, 28-year-old Marquis Damon Cannon and 22-year-old Anricus Rayshawn Holston. - (Tyrone N. Butts)

  Alabama: Doctor Ndolo, originally from Africa, indicted on statutory rape charges
Joseph Ndolo Indicted and arrested: a Fairhope doctor faces second-degree rape charges. His alleged victim: a fourteen-year-old girl. Dr. Joseph Ndolo is not speaking on the second-degree statutory rape charge he faces. The 14-year-old alleged victim told child protective service officers in Texas that the doctor had raped her during a visit to Fairhope last summer. Investigators traveled to Texas to interview the teen-aged girl and gather physical evidence. - (Tyrone N. Butts) - "originally from Africa"

   Sports: A South African soccer referee has shot dead a coach who questioned his rulings.
South Africa has one of the world's highest murder rates, 8 times that of the United States. - (Gman)

  Child Heroes Save Mom from "Hispanic" Attacker
MichaelDestinyThe intruder physically and sexually assaulted the children's mother, saying if she fought back, he'd kill her AND her children. 5-year-old Michael and 7-year-old Destiny, of Plainview, are without a doubt true heroes. As a stranger invaded their home in the wee hours of the morning and attacked their mom, the two children didn't run and hide, they didn't cry, they didn't freeze or panic. They escaped and ran for help, possibly saving their mom's life and their own. Police are hoping you will help them find their suspect. He is described as an Hispanic male in his mid-20's. He's about six feet tall, with black hair and a goatee. - (Hellcat)

   New Jersey: Short migrant from India Shyam Gauchan charged in rape of 16-year-old girl
Shyam GauchanA 32-year-old man accused of raping a 16-year-old Edison girl is being sought by authorities.
Shyam Gauchan, whose last known address was 10 Dayton Drive in Edison, Apartment 53-A, was charged with one count of aggravated sexual assault in the Aug. 5 incident. Gauchan, born in India, is 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighs about 155 pounds. He has brown eyes and black hair. - (Hellcat)


   Georgia: Pastor accused of videotaping up girls' skirts
AUGUSTA, Ga. - A local pastor was arrested after he was caught secretly videotaping up girls' skirts at a mall. The Rev. Michael Jay Brown, 41, assistant pastor at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Martinez, has been charged with child molestation, clandestine surveillance and being a peeping Tom. Investigators found that Brown had placed a video camera in a shopping bag, pointed it upward and secretly filmed up the skirts of two girls at Augusta Mall on Tuesday. - (Rick Dean)


(closed Mexican movie theater)
by H. Millard (c) 2004
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24 July 2004 archived
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  UK: Fiend's final evil
UK News of the World Exclusive: Grieving mother tells how her daughter's young life was snuffed out
They found her decomposing body on the floor of her kitchen with flies swarming around it.
Milton BrownSusan MacdonaldThe sad and grisly end of a ruined life. Susan Macdonald—victim of one of the most horrific rapes in British criminal history—has died of a suspected overdose, we can reveal today.
Six years ago the story of Susan's savage three-month rape and torture at the hands of her ex-lover Milton Brown appalled the nation. The grinning fiend even sacked his lawyer and cross-examined her himself in court. Her ordeal there was so harrowing no accused rapist has since been allowed to put his victim through the same agony.

Multiple rapist Brown, now 50, imprisoned her for THREE MONTHS in his crack house hovel in Walworth, south London. He raped her again and again and beat her horrifically, hacking at her with a rusty pick designed for cleaning horses' hooves and leaving her with an 11-inch scar on her arm.

After the court case, Susan, who bravely waived her right to anonymity, said: "I was at his mercy. I was his prisoner and his sex slave. He would rape me on the floor. I'd scream and fight but he punched me into submission."

The most vicious assault came when he attacked her with a pool cue. When that broke he continued beating her with a thick piece of wood studded with nails, before throttling her until she passed out. - (UK reader link)

  No, not 'darkest Africa" - Conviction in Kansas cannibalism case
Marc Sappington A man was convicted of murdering three acquaintances, including a teenager whose body was dismembered and partially eaten. Jurors found Marc Sappington guilty on the murder charges as well as one count each of kidnapping and aggravated burglary stemming from a separate carjacking. Sappington had claimed that voices ordered him to act when he killed Terry Green, 25, Michael Weaver Jr., 22, and Alton "Fred" Brown Jr., 16, over a four-day span. - (forum)

Sappington tried to suck the blood of two his victims, both of whom were also his friends

This effort earned him the sobriquet, “Kansas City Vampire.”

   Black man Charles Rashid bludgeoned his Dominican wife to death with hammer and spiked board
Charles Rashid was sentenced yesterday to 69 years in prison for bludgeoning his wife Orquidea Tejada-Rashid with a hammer and a board spiked with nails in the kitchen of their home. Rashid used a short-handled sledgehammer and the board to crush his wife's skull while the couple's 2-year-old son, Carlos, watched "Elmo" video tapes in the upstairs bedroom. "The couple's marriage was riddled with marital problems from the inception because he was black and she was Dominican. Tejada-Rashid's family members, especially her mother, Verdon said, felt disdain for black people and were upset she became impregnated and even more upset the couple married. - (Hellcat)

  Black Man Arrested After Driving Car Into Crowd and Injuring White Teenager
Ashley BiggsA 17-year-old girl is fighting for her life after she was mowed down by an angry driver. Ashley Biggs was in a crowd of people on Saturday night when Jerome Miller drove into the crowd. Ashley was trapped and dragged under the vehicle. Miller has been arrested for attempted murder, drinking and driving and leaving the scene of an accident. - (Border Ruffian) The injured teens were planning to join the festivities surrounding Indiana Black Expo Summer Celebration.
Why hasn't this possible "dragging death" gotten as much coverage as the one in Texas?

  Virginia Beach Police investigate violent sexual assault on Russian woman by black
Officials say a 21-year old woman from Russia - currently living in Virginia Beach - was assaulted around 12:35am when the unidentified man grabbed her from behind while she was walking in the area. The suspect placed victim in a choke hold and dragged her into an area of thick foliage. The suspect threw the victim to the ground and punched her in the face numerous times. He then sexually assaulted her. The suspect is described as a black male in his early 20's with a medium to dark complexion. He is 5'6"-5'8" tall with a medium to stocky build. - (Tyrone N. Butts)

  Black former State Trooper that won 'discrimination' windfall arrested in rape of 10-year-old girl
Glynn MooreGlynn Moore, a former New Jersey state trooper has been arrested, accused of raping a 10-year-old girl. Moore has been accused of sexually assaulting his girlfriend's 10-year-old daughter on July 20. The girl called police shortly after the alleged assault. Moore first made headlines five years ago when he and 12 other New Jersey state troopers sued the agency for discrimination. Moore received an undisclosed out-of-court settlement and he resigned last year. - (The Bobster) - (NNN bias lawsuits)

  Texas Death Row Inmate Ruled "Retarded" * Family of "Retarded" Walter Bell Speaks
Walter Bell BEAUMONT, Texas -- A judge ruled Friday that Texas' longest-serving death row inmate is retarded, a decision that will spare the man's life if upheld, officials said. At a hearing in May, Walter Bell's attorneys asked that his death sentence be commuted to life in prison under a U.S. Supreme Court decision banning the execution of retarded people. Prosecutors argued the ruling did not apply to Bell, 50, who killed a couple in their Port Arthur home. Bell was convicted of killing his former employer, Ferd Chisum, in 1974. He was also convicted of killing Chisum's wife, Irene Chisum, but that conviction was overturned. Ref: "Save a Retarded Black Killer's Life!" - (Panhead Bob)
It is racial discrimination to allow the 'retarded exception' because Blacks average a lower I.Q.

Ref: Thinking More About the Unthinkable: The White-Black IQ Gap - By Steve Sailer


Media Ignore Kansas Interracial Mass Murder
Jonathan and Reginald CarrThis is a 'hot topic' at the 'Freerepublic' as there were 45 links to this NNN file photo.
Also fresh links to NNN from The Wichita Massacre - By Stephen Webster
"I was surprised they covered it, but Dateline just had a full hour dedicated to this case."
- The Bobster
- NNN Editor note: I guess this explains the extra traffic.
Ref: NNN Bloody Wichita

  South African headline "NIGGER SHOT DEAD" * Update: `Nigger's' killers caught . - (Fletch)


23 July 2004 archived
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  The Color of Crime - "Blacks are statistically 50 times more likely to attack whites than vice versa"

New Nation News - "Preeminent tabloid of 'white-journalism' for the English-speaking world!" - (c) 2004 by NNN
Please note: this is NOT the Black tabloid "New Nation" in the UK
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