Now, while our laws should be color blind, it is foolish
for people to be
so, unless they want to become extinct as a people. Proper racial
discrimination helps us survive. We discriminate against stoves by
putting our hands on them, because we have learned that some stoves
are hot, even though all stoves aren't hot. We
discriminate against sharks
because we don't swim with them even though not all sharks will eat
us. We discriminate each and every day of our lives in order to survive.
We must also discriminate against people who are unlike us when it
comes to mating, otherwise we die off as a people.
History is full of reports of now extinct peoples
who failed to understand the need for racism and discrimination. Where
do you think all those now vanished
American Indian tribes went? Do you really think that were all killed
with the white man's bullets? The truth is that many were assimilated
and killed off by the white man's genes. Why wasn't it the other way
around and why weren't the whites assimilated into the Indian genotype?
Because whites were in the majority. The majority, if it mates freely
with the minority, assimilates the minority. The big eats the little.
Given modern mass transportation and immigration to white lands by
millions of non-whites, it is now whites who are in danger of assimilation.
Again, and this is worth repeating in slightly different terms. Whites
in America often think of themselves as the majority, and for most
of this nation's history we were the majority in this nation that
was protected with the Pacific and Atlantic ocean moats. Today, the
drawbridge is down and we are no longer protected. Now,we have to
realize that worldwide, whites are a very small 10% of all humans
on the planet, and if we want to survive as a distinct people we need
to increase our racism and discrimination, not lessen them.
Whites need to fight against the propaganda of the evil
Blenders who want to kill off all the white people by blending them
into a non-white Tan Everyman. White people need to know that they face
extinction. Will they finally wake up and understand this, or will they
disappear? Time will tell, but maybe Dick Armey's letter was a sign
that the Mau Mau Machine used against whites is sputtering, and even
if Dick Armey doesn't consciously understand the genocide that is being
committed against white people, and even if he should disavow the message
of this column, which he would be expected to do (in order to be PC)
should he be called on it, his letter does show that he's somewhat aware
of the hatred being aimed at whites by non-whites. That's a start.
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