New Nation News Editor's Desk

ARCHIVE for 6 December 2007



    Reward reinstated in infamous Texas KFC slayings case where blacks lynch-murdered five Whites
Darnell Hartsfield and Romeo PinkertonWhite victims family  KFC Corp. on Wednesday reinstated a $25,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of a third person believed involved in one of Texas' most notorious mass killings, the 1983 shootings of five people abducted from an East Texas Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant. A convicted burglar, Romeo Pinkerton, 49, of Tyler, pleaded guilty in October to his role in what became one of Texas' longest unsolved mass murders. In his plea, made in the midst of a capital murder trial that could have resulted in a death sentence, he accepted five life prison terms. Pinkerton's cousin, Darnell Hartsfield, 46, also of Tyler, faces trial early next year on the same five capital murder charges. During opening statements of Pinkerton's trial, prosecutors for the first time disclosed evidence that a third person was involved in the slayings. "While we remain focused on prosecuting the remaining defendant in this case, we urge anyone with knowledge about the third to contact us immediately," Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, whose office has been leading the prosecution of the case, said in a statement. The five victims were found dead along an East Texas oilfield road about 15 miles from the KFC restaurant in Kilgore where they were abducted during a holdup the previous night. Killed were David Maxwell, 20; Mary Tyler, 37; Opie Ann Hughes, 39; Joey Johnson, 20; and Monte Landers, 19. All but Landers worked at the restaurant about 25 miles east of Tyler and 115 miles east of Dallas. Landers was a friend of Maxwell and Johnson and was visiting them as the restaurant was closing for the night.. - (Newsroom) - (crime) - (Black-on-white)






Bible Mat 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.



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1 Dec 2007 archived - (click at left for full coverage)
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Naked negro caused accidents running down highway - later cut cornrows and drowned in river
Ardonas GilbertA week ago Monday, Ardonas Gilbert smoked some angel dust, jumped out of his cousin's moving car on I-95 and ran along the highway ripping off his clothes while screaming the devil was after him, before punching two motorists who stopped to help him. Family members said the father of four was driving to a liquor store in Delaware with a cousin when he suddenly jumped out of the car yelling that someone was out to kill him. Then he started peeling off his clothes. - (Newsroom) - (crime)


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30 Nov 2007 archived - (click at left for full coverage)
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Defense in Teenager’s Death Invokes Memories of Lynch Mobs - Black lynch-killed unarmed White youth
John WhiteJohn White did not lock his doors. He did not call 911. He did not go outside and try to defuse a volatile situation.” Then, he added: “Instead, he armed his 19-year-old son with a loaded shotgun. He armed himself with an illegal .32-caliber handgun. And he confronted these unarmed boys.” Police initially charged Mr. White with murder. A grand jury reduced that charge to manslaughter in the second degree, the equivalent of reckless homicide. In July, however, Mr. White rejected a plea bargain that would have guaranteed him a maximum sentence of two to six years in prison in exchange for a guilty plea. The victim, Daniel Cicciaro, 17 - (Newsroom) - (crime) - (Black-on-white)

    After the tear-filled ceremony, friends and family members defended the white teen against allegations he had uttered racial epithets at the black suspect before he was shot in Miller Place. "This incident had no racial overtones whatsoever. That's a ploy from the [defendant's] attorney," said Cicciaro's godfather, Gregg Sarra.

25 Nov 2007 archived - (click at left for full coverage)
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    UK: Three blacks jailed for racist lynching of White teen; stomping him to death
Andre Campbell, 24, his half-brother Lloyd Henry, 20, and Jermaine Yateman, 19Ian PageThree men have been jailed for kicking a teenager to death over a row when he bumped into them in the street. Ian Page, 19, was killed on the Edgware Road, north London.Andre Campbell, 24, his half-brother Lloyd Henry, 20, and Jermaine Yateman, 19, were convicted over his killing at the Old Bailey. Campbell and Yateman were both found guilty of murder, and jailed for life with a minimum term of 15 years. Henry, who was convicted of manslaughter, was sentenced to eight years. Both he and Yateman were sent to young offender institutions. They were part of a gang, captured on security camera footage, that dragged Mr Page to the floor then kicked him as he lay motionless beneath them. - (Newsroom) - (UK) - (Black-on-white)

24 Nov 2007 archived - (click at left for full coverage)
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    Elderly White Woman Describes Abduction, Beating by Two Blacks
Jonathan Bishop and Maria WoodMargaret Weber JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- An 83-year-old woman abducted from in front of her home last month is talking about the experience now that the two teenagers accused of attacking her are in jail. Margaret Weber said she was returning from church when she was grabbed by two men and forced into the trunk of their car. "We've never had a bit of problem until these two jerks showed up," Weber said. Police said Jonathan Bishop, 18, and Maria Wood, 19, kidnapped Weber, and drove off. They stopped twice to open the trunk to demand Weber's personal identification number. Each time she told them she didn't have a PIN. Police said each time they reacted by punching her in the face. "I knew I was in big trouble," Weber said. "I just said, 'Lord, I know that you said you're always with me, so you're in the trunk with me, too.'" - (Newsroom) - (crime) - (Black-on-white)

    70-year-old White man lynched; murdered by Black-Afro-Negro home invader
Bill Williamsongeneric black hooded suspectA church going man, a nice guy and hard worker who was always quick to help others in need – some of the ways the neighbors and friends of 70-year-old Bill Williamson were remembering him in mourning. Police are looking for the gunman who shot and killed an elderly man in cold blood Friday morning.  Investigators said 70-year-old Bill Williamson died during a home invasion. Newnan police said a black male broke into Williamson's home on Roberts Road, off East Washington Road, and shot the man to death. Williamson and his wife were in the kitchen when they were confronted by the suspect.
- (Newsroom) - (crime) - (Black-on-white)

    Black Robber Ripped Off Woman's Finger - Doctors Unable To Reattach Finger
LAWRENCEVILLE, Ga. -- A man is being held in the Gwinnett County Jail without bond after he was accused of tearing a finger off a woman's hand during a purse snatching. Caesare R. Pinkins, 21, was charged with multiple felony counts of robbery, aggravated battery and burglary. The incident took place in the parking lot of a Kroger store. Pinkins drove by the victim -- a 55-year-old woman -- swiped the purse and stepped on the gas. "As the suspect drove away, one of the victim's fingers was pulled off,"
- (Newsroom) - (crime)

    Black Rape Suspect Sees Cameras, Freaks
Kenneth GuntherA suspected rapist had to be pulled from a Dearborn courtroom after he made an obscene gesture at TV cameras and then ranted with outrageous language to match. Kenneth Gunther, 28, was arraigned on 11 criminal counts in connection with a September sex assault. He's also facing charges for a sex assault in Dearborn Heights. Gunther appeared startled and angered by news cameras when he entered the courtroom. He flashed both middle fingers to the cameras and asked police officers, "Why are all these f---- cameras in here?" - (Newsroom) - (crime)

22 Nov 2007 archived - (click at left for full coverage)
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    Convicted black killer of two White women to get new trial due to technical errors
Roy Lee McDuffieJanice SchneiderDawnielle BeauregardFla. -- A convicted killer, who spent more than two years on death row, was granted a new trial by the Florida Supreme Court. Roy Lee McDuffie was convicted of killing two Dollar General Store clerks in Deltona in 2002. It happened as the Dollar General Store was closing five years ago and family members are angry. But they're not angry at the justice system; they're angry at McDuffie, the man they still firmly believe brutally killed two women. "I'm angry. I'm mad that it's come to this. And I'm scared," said Kelli Lee, the sister of one victim. Kelli Lee got a call from the Florida Supreme Court breaking the news that she would have to re-live the trial of Roy Lee McDuffie, the man who was on death row for killing her sister. "A new trial means we have to see all of the gruesome and hear all of the gruesome stuff again," she said. It was October 2002 when Lee's sister, Janice Schneider, and her co-worker, Dawnielle Beauregard, didn't come home from work at the Deltona Dollar General Store. Investigators found the women in the back of the store, shot and stabbed, their hands and feet wrapped with duct tape and one piece of tape bore the palm print of McDuffie, an (affirmative action) manager in training. Investigators believe his motive was robbery. - (Newsroom) - (crime) - (Black-on-white)

    White Marsha Trimble was raped and murdered when she was 9-years-old - Black arrested in cold case
Sara Des PrezMarsha TrimbleJerome Sydney BarrettNASHVILLE, Tenn.- Marsha Trimble was raped and murdered when she was 9-years-old. It remains the city's most famous unsolved mystery. Trimble's mother talked about a possible new lead in her daughter's infamous murder. It stems from the arrest of Jerome Sydney Barrett. Metro's cold case unit charged him with the murder of Vanderbilt student Sara Des Prez 32 years ago. Did Barrett also murder Marsha Trimble? Barrett murdered Sarah Des Prez. On February 17th, 1975 Barrett raped a Belmont student, but was not arrested and convicted until a year later. On February 25th, 1975 Marsha Trimble was sexually assaulted and murdered. Virginia Trimble-Ritter, Marcia's mother can't believe the coincidence. - (Newsroom) - (crime) - (Black-on-white)

    Black former wrestler fighting charges he kept sex slaves * Ex-Wrestler Guilty in Sex Trial
Former pro wrestler Harrison "Hardbody" Norris Jr. is fighting off a sinister tag: violent sex lord. It's one that could keep him out of the ring — and in prison — for at least 20 years. Norris, 41, is on trial in Atlanta on federal charges that he kept nine women as sex slaves in his two Cartersville homes. Serving as his own attorney, Norris has started countering a week of testimony about bloody head butts, maniacal mindgames and forced orgies called "cut parties," in which women had to have sex with up to eight men at a single gathering. - (Newsroom) - (crime) - (Sports)

    Negro kidnapped and sexually assaulted two teen girls
Curtis A. LongINDEPENDENCE, Mo. -- Two teens said they were attacked after giving a man a ride from a convenience store. The girls said Curtis A. Long, 34, approached them at a QuikTrip and asked for a ride. The girls said they agreed, but once Long climbed into the back seat he told the girls not to look at him and kept asking if they were afraid Long asked the victims for money and allegedly poked one of the victims in the ribs with a knife. When the victims told him they had no money, he forced them to drive to a field next to a local skating rink, took $12 cash and cigarettes from them and demanded they remove their pants. After performing a sex act on one of the girls, Long had them drop him off. - (Newsroom)

    Black New Orleans Ex-Councilman Gets 3 Years, Won't 'Rat'
Oilver ThomasNEW ORLEANS - A former City Council member who prosecutors said reneged on a plea bargain to cooperate in a corruption probe was sentenced to a little over three years in federal prison for taking a $15,000 bribe. Oliver Thomas, once considered a shining light on the city's political scene and a potential future mayor, pleaded guilty. In exchange for the plea Thomas had agreed to provide information about other illegal activity but later indicated he did not wish to be a "rat." - (Newsroom)


Jose Portillo, 34, raped his girlfriend's 11-year-old daughter
Jose PortilloKANSAS CITY, Kan. -- A man is being held in jail on a $1 million bond because of what he allegedly did to a child. Police said Jose Portillo, 34, raped his girlfriend's 11-year-old daughter at a house on Riverview Avenue on Sunday. The victim's grandfather said that the girl answered the door when Portillo, who has been dating her mother for four years, came to the house on Sunday morning. The mother said when she realized what was happening, she called police to arrest Portillo. - (Newsroom)

20 Nov 2007 archived - (click at left for full coverage)
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but hopefully of some interest
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"From the very beginning it was absolutely clear that the only way to unite the European nation was through hatred and fear towards the invading masses of the third world. Only by facing a common enemy and possible extinction could the Europeans find each other as brothers and sisters of the same tribe." - Aquilon, the Quotations


The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy by Lothrop Stoddard


Racial integration in the United States has been a dismal failure just as those who arranged it knew it would be. Blacks and Whites have never been comfortable together. Blacks bused into White schools and Whites bused into Black schools segregate into their own groups on their own turf. In colleges Blacks want their own dormitories and seek to live and socialize with their own kind. At high school basketball games Blacks congregate together separate from Whites. Blacks clearly prefer their own race. God made it that way...




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Bible  Psa 55:15 Let death seize upon them, [and] let them go down quick into hell: for wickedness [is] in their dwellings, [and] among them.

Poll: What is the best solution for racial problems?
Ref: The American Colonization Society

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