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  Daniel Matthews, a black male, charged with Rape, Robbery, Kidnapping, Sodomy and Assault
Daniel Matthews remains behind bars in the Covington County Jail after allegedly raping and assaulting a convenience store clerk over the weekend. He took her and forced her to go to another area where the rape and sodomy occurred," Chief Williams remarked. - (Border Ruffian)

  Sports: Teen Scores Winning Touchdown After Posting Bond
Lionel BayihaNathan Dawsonsports fan cheers touchdownFORT WORTH, Texas -- The arrest of two high school football players is causing a lot of controversy. Sheriff's deputies arrested Lionel Bayiha and Nathan Dawson on Friday night as the team bus arrived for the game between the schools' football teams. The teens were arrested on assault charges stemming from a fight after a game the week before. One man, 19-year-old David Garcia, was reportedly injured in that fight after being struck in the head with a metal bar.
- slideshow - (Border Ruffian) - (more sports)

  Sports: SPCA Closes Chapter in Ex-NBA Star's Case
Jayson Williams'dog' - file photoNEWARK, N.J. -- A local chapter of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has been ordered to close because it did not prosecute former NBA star Jayson Williams over accusations he shot and killed his dog in anger over losing a bet. Ref: Risks dog Jayson Williams' testimony
Ref: Jayson Williams On Trial links - (more sports)

  • More Non-Citizens Likely to Vote
    This election is likely to see more non-U.S. citizens voting than ever before because, say experts, there is no way to prevent it. The Washington Times reports many of the country's 8 to 12 million illegal aliens could cast ballots in the November 2 election because "there is no way of checking" whether or not they are legitimate U.S. citizens. "We have no way of doing that. We have no access to any information about who is in the United States legally or otherwise," she said.

  • NNN Reader reports: "CNN will be presenting a Special Report on the backlash to the illegal immigrant Invasion this Sunday at 8PM EDT - DON'T MISS IT!!!!"



  • Ethnic nursing homes grow in Chicago
    Not everybody agrees that cultural separation is the answer

    While the idea of placing 93-year-old Mei Ruan in a nursing home filled her with shame, Ngo knew she could no longer handle the job of caring for her. A few blocks away she found the answer in an elder care facility that could offer her Chinese-born mother the things that make her comfortable: Chinese staff talking to her, Chinese movies, Chinese music, Chinese food. "She thinks she's back in China," Ngo said.
  • Oregon Rep. David Wu admits to inexcusable behavior - Wu tried to force her into having sex
    David Wu
    PORTLAND, Ore. -- A Democratic congressman admitted that while he was a college student 28 years ago, he was disciplined by school officials for "inexcusable behavior" toward an ex-girlfriend. The admission by Rep. David Wu, D-Ore., came after a report published in The Oregonian newspaper saying a former girlfriend from college claimed Wu tried to force her into having sex. Wu said he had a "two-year romantic relationship that ended with inexcusable behavior on my part." - (NNN Northwest)


11 Oct 2004 archived
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  "I have given my life to alleviate the sufferings of Africa" - Dr. Albert Schweitzer - (forum)


  House Republicans Refuse to Expand 'Hate Crime' Law
House Republicans have infuriated homosexual advocacy groups -- as well as Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) -- by killing a measure that would have expanded "hate crimes" law to include crimes against homosexuals.


10 Oct 2004 archived
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  Dad charged in girl's death - 3-year-old beaten to death, caretakers shot at day care
Bernard KellyDETROIT -- The father of a 3-year-old beaten to death in an attack on her day care center was arrested after he was named as the suspect in the rampage that also left two women hospitalized with gunshot wounds. Bernard Kelly was taken into custody after an arrest warrant listed charges of murder, assault with intent to commit murder and felony firearms possession. Police initially thought that 3-year-old Stefanie Belue had been shot to death, but later said she was fatally beaten . - (Gman)

  • Detroit: Racist 'African Town' Plan Stirs Debate
    The plan, dubbed "African Town" has stirred fervent opposition, in part because the new district would be established using taxpayer money that would be available only to black business owners. - (forum)

  • Kerry Courts Black Voters
    The Democratic presidential nominee attended two church services Sunday, instead of his usual one, worshipping first with Haitian Catholics and then with black Baptists, where the Rev. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton tied his election to the civil rights struggle. "Never again will a million African Americans be denied the right to exercise their vote in the United States of America," Kerry promised. Black turnout is key to Kerry's plan for victory in Florida and elsewhere. Former Congresswoman Carrie Meek said Kerry is "fighting against liars and demons. ... He challenges the man who walks with a jaunty step." She rocked her hips in an imitation of Bush's swagger as the congregation cheered and Kerry laughed from his high-backed seat behind the pulpit.

  • Va. Judge to Decide African Teen Immigrant Malik Jarno's Fate


Mexican Migrants Launch Relay to NYC
MEXICO CITY -- Mexican migrants launched a two-month relay from Mexico's capital to New York, calling on lawmakers to grant them the right to cast absentee ballots in 2006 presidential elections and organizing "undocumented workers" (illegal aliens) along the way. The binational relay is in its third year with runners carrying a torch to New York City in honor of Mexico's patron saint, the "Virgin" of Guadalupe.
- If we had an "INS" they would be deported.

9 Oct 2004 archived
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by H. Millard (c) 2004
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  Judge to Rule Case of West African Teen Migrant
Malik Jarno,
who arrived at Washington's Dulles International Airport in 2001 alone and carrying a fake passport, claims he will be persecuted if he is returned to Guinea. 70 members of Congress have asked the Department of Homeland Security to allow Jarno to stay. - (70 members of Congress should be deported to Guinea)




  79 year old Man Says He Was Made to Guard Nazi Camps
SHARON, Pa. -- A man facing deportation because he served as a guard at two Nazi concentration camps said he was forced to join the unit that guarded the camps or face death. The U.S. Department of Justice wants to revoke the citizenship of Anton Geiser, 79, a retired Pennsylvania steelworker who was born in Croatia. The department said Geiser hid his service in the Waffen SS from U.S. officials when he immigrated in 1956. - (forum)

8 Oct 2004 archived
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  The Color of Crime - "Blacks are statistically 50 times more likely to attack whites than vice versa"

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