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23 August 2004 - Archive
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  Teen Brutally Raped On Way To Bus Stop
black rapistA Miami teen was attacked and brutally raped on her way to a bus stop Monday morning. The 17-year-old girl was walking to a bus stop at Northwest Third Avenue and 13th Street at about 6 a.m. when a man allegedly made inappropriate comments to her, according to police. The teen tried to run but was caught from behind, choked and raped in a vacant lot. The suspect is described as a black male. - (Hellcat)

  Chicago: Three teenagers arrested in aggravated robbery and criminal sexual assault
Lorenzo McClatcheyOne of the suspects is a 16-year-old juvenile whose name is not being released. The second is a 17-year-old named Lorenzo McClatchey. Police said the two teens and a third suspect entered the office building at approximately 10 p.m. Wednesday night. Police said the building is one with which the suspects are familiar and have robbed before. The men had a handgun and they took the employees' wallets and cell phones, then sexually assaulted the woman. - (Border Ruffian)

  Philadelphia Police Nab Alleged Murderer At Church
Philadelphia police said they caught a man at church Sunday, who is accused of two murders. Lyndell Swinson, 28, attended services Sunday at the Mount Airy Church of God. Swinson has been the subject of an intense manhunt since Aug. 13, when his ex-girlfriend, Laquicta Robinson, 26, was found dead in her home. Swinson is accused of shooting Robinson in the head. She was the mother of his four children. He was also wanted for murder of a cabdriver. - (forum)

  Georgia Crematory Operator Faces Lawsuit
Ray Brent MarshIt was a scene too horrible to imagine: heaps of decaying bodies that were supposed to be cremated -- many spilling out of a storage shed, scattered around a crematory building and in nearby woods. A civil lawsuit against former operator Brent Marsh and the estate of his late father, former owner Ray Brent Marsh, was to go to trial Monday, 2 1/2 years after the remains were discovered at the Tri-State Crematory in Noble, near the Tennessee line. - (forum)

  • South Africa: TV actress held after son hacked to death in 'exorcist' infanticide
    A blood-splattered carpet and blood-stained axe on Sunday bore brutal testimony to the horror killing of a two-year-old boy - allegedly at the hand of his mother. The 26-year-old woman - who has been seen on South African television screens in the top-rated SABC1 soap Generations was arrested on Sunday for murder. The woman is said to have believed that her young son was "possessed by the devil" when she hacked him to death with an axe and gouged out his eyes with a screwdriver. "His (the baby's) brain was scattered all over the floor and his eyes were gouged out. She had put a hot iron over the tiny eyes," he said. - (Hellcat)

  • Post-apartheid South Africa: Children mutilated, murdered for 'good luck'
    They first hit 10-year-old Sello Chokoe with a blunt instrument, causing a gash on his head.
    They then harvested his body parts, chopping off his penis, one of his hands and an ear for muti. - (Hellcat)

  Murder of two Christian Camp Counselors May Have Been Hate Crime - (Hellcat)


22 August 2004 archived
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by H. Millard (c) 2004
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  Murder counts filed in fatal crash
Shannon KnoxWanda Finch KnoxHarnett County sheriff's deputies have charged five with murdering a Campbell University administrative assistant and her daughter as they tried to elude lawmen Friday. Wanda Finch Knox, 43, and her 17-year- old daughter Shannon Knox died when a white Lincoln Town Car carrying the five rammed into their Jaguar near U.S. 401 and N.C. 210. The crash ended a 20- minute chase that topped speeds of 100 mph. Wanda Knox worked for the School of Business at Campbell University. Her daughter was a standout tennis player and student at Harnett Central High School in Angier.
Gregory Christopher KingStephen Darrell SwintonJohn Michael KellyJodie Lee SteelRoame JacksonThe four each were charged with first-degree murder. They are: Gregory Christopher King, 19; Stephen Darrell Swinton, 22; John Michael Kelly, 19; and Jodie Lee Steele, 22. The driver Roame Jackson, 26, was charged with two counts of first-degree murder, speeding to elude arrest, exceeding 100 mph and careless and reckless driving. - (svejk)

  Sports: Wrestler Charged in Pimping Case
Norris Harrison JrA former world championship wrestler who lives in Cartersville, Ga., is facing charges of forcing women into prostitution. Norris Harrison Jr., known as "Hard Body" in the wrestling ranks, is accused of holding three women against their wills and acting as their pimp to get them to repay their debts. Three of seven women who were with Harrison at the store told officers they they were forced into prostituting by Harrison. - (Border Ruffian) - (more sports)

  Sports: USC player suspended after sexual assault investigation
A USC coach has suspended starting running back Hershel Dennis indefinitely for "disciplinary reasons." The suspension stems from an after-curfew party Sunday night that has become the focus of a sexual assault investigation in which no charges have been filed. It is not clear what role Dennis played in the alleged incident, which occurred at an apartment in a complex that is located across the street from the USC campus and is used as training camp housing for the football team.- (more sports)

  Arizona: Rape suspect is charged in 2nd W. Valley sex attack
Jayarr KnowshisgunThere are more troubles for a man accused in a sexual assault four months ago at a Glendale golf course. Jayarr Knowshisgun, 23, has been charged with another sex attack that took place last year near downtown Peoria. Police in both cities say that DNA, or genetic evidence, has been gathered that implicates Knowshisgun in the two rapes. - (forum)


  Police officer accused of homo-raping a 3-year-old boy - commits suicide
Matthew C. JonesAuthorities accuse Matthew C. Jones, 19, of raping a then 3-year-old boy at the boy's home.
Jones allegedly engaged in oral sex and anal sex with the boy, the affidavit stated.
Lev 18:22 Lev 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it [is] abomination.
Luk 17:2Luk 17:2 It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

  Roman Catholic Brooklyn priest indicted for homo-raping altar-boys
Between the time Roman Catholic Church officials first learned in 1997 of allegations that the Rev. Joseph Byrns had molested two altar boys 30 years ago and finally removed him in June, the cleric allegedly abused another altar boy. Byrns, 61, was ordered held on $10,000 bail after being arraigned in Brooklyn on 22 counts of sexual abuse and sexual conduct against a child. Byrns is accused of luring an 11-year-old boy to church for mass, but then forcing him into oral sex and sodomy instead. He is even accused of using threats, money and toys to keep his victim quiet.


21 August 2004 archived
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  Rape suspect in jail
Jacques FieldsJacques Fields accused of sexually assaulting a Pinellas Park woman is behind bars. Officers arrested him Wednesday after linking him to evidence from the crime scene. The 57-year-old victim told police Fields came to her home July 17 and asked to speak with someone, but when she replied that person didn't live there, he forced his way inside and raped her.
- (Tyrone N. Butts)

   Parolee held in rape of 14-year-old at birthday party
Joshua BracyA parolee suspected of giving alcohol to a 14-year-old girl and then raping her after she fell asleep at her friend's birthday party was arrested. Joshua Bracy, 30, was at a birthday party night at his girlfriend's house. After his girlfriend fell asleep Bracy befriended the 14-year-old and gave her alcoholic beverages. The girl then fell asleep on the couch and later woke to find Bracy sexually assaulting her. - (svejk) - (NNN Norcal)

   Sketch of 'charming' African-American sex assault suspect released
'charming' rapistColorado: Three women said the man approached them and forced his way into their cars after using a certain element of "charm." He then forced the women to drive to another location, where he sexually assaulted them. He's described as being an African-American male, between 5-foot-5 and 5-foot-8 inches tall, weighing 160 pounds and between the ages of 18 and 25.
- (svejk)


  Sports: University of Connecticut assistant coach arrested in prostitution sting
Clyde VaughanClyde Vaughan, 42,
allegedly tried to pay $10 to an undercover police officer for oral sex.
Police said Vaughan struggled with officers when he learned he was part of a sting, resulting in a charge of interfering with police. Vaughan denies soliciting the undercover officer but the sting apparently was audiotaped, which could contradict Vaughan's version of the events. - (J BuckMeister) - (NNN Sports)

  Entertainment and Afro-American culture - Bang 'Em Smurf Sentenced To 3 1/2 Years
Bang 'Em Smurfrapper '50 cent'"no (blue) smurfs!"Former G-Unit member Bang ‘Em Smurf is behind bars, jailed on charges from the incident that he claims sparked his feud with 50 Cent. Smurf is serving a 3 ½ year term due to gun charges that stemmed from a neighborhood beef that resulted in a shootout. Smurf said that he would use his time behind bars wisely and would get his G.E.D. - (Svejk)


  Pastor Denied Bond Following Arrest - charged with murdering his wife
Melvin Bynuma Sanford pastor is in jail charged with murdering his wife. Melvin Bynum was charged with first-degree murder in the death of Marnita Bynum. He was denied bond Friday. Bynum strangled his wife of almost 19 years, stuffed her body in the trunk of a car and dumped the vehicle in Richmond County.
- (Tyrone N. Butts)

20 August 2004 archived
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