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21 Aug 2004 - Archive
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  Rape suspect in jail
Jacques FieldsJacques Fields accused of sexually assaulting a Pinellas Park woman is behind bars. Officers arrested him Wednesday after linking him to evidence from the crime scene. The 57-year-old victim told police Fields came to her home July 17 and asked to speak with someone, but when she replied that person didn't live there, he forced his way inside and raped her.
- (Tyrone N. Butts)

   Parolee held in rape of 14-year-old at birthday party
Joshua BracyA parolee suspected of giving alcohol to a 14-year-old girl and then raping her after she fell asleep at her friend's birthday party was arrested. Joshua Bracy, 30, was at a birthday party night at his girlfriend's house. After his girlfriend fell asleep Bracy befriended the 14-year-old and gave her alcoholic beverages. The girl then fell asleep on the couch and later woke to find Bracy sexually assaulting her. - (svejk) - (NNN Norcal)

   Sketch of 'charming' African-American sex assault suspect released
'charming' rapistColorado: Three women said the man approached them and forced his way into their cars after using a certain element of "charm." He then forced the women to drive to another location, where he sexually assaulted them. He's described as being an African-American male, between 5-foot-5 and 5-foot-8 inches tall, weighing 160 pounds and between the ages of 18 and 25.
- (svejk)


  Sports: University of Connecticut assistant coach arrested in prostitution sting
Clyde VaughanClyde Vaughan, 42,
allegedly tried to pay $10 to an undercover police officer for oral sex.
Police said Vaughan struggled with officers when he learned he was part of a sting, resulting in a charge of interfering with police. Vaughan denies soliciting the undercover officer but the sting apparently was audiotaped, which could contradict Vaughan's version of the events. - (J BuckMeister) - (NNN Sports)

  Entertainment and Afro-American culture - Bang 'Em Smurf Sentenced To 3 1/2 Years
Bang 'Em Smurfrapper '50 cent'"no (blue) smurfs!"Former G-Unit member Bang ‘Em Smurf is behind bars, jailed on charges from the incident that he claims sparked his feud with 50 Cent. Smurf is serving a 3 ½ year term due to gun charges that stemmed from a neighborhood beef that resulted in a shootout. Smurf said that he would use his time behind bars wisely and would get his G.E.D. - (Svejk)


  Pastor Denied Bond Following Arrest - charged with murdering his wife
Melvin Bynuma Sanford pastor is in jail charged with murdering his wife. Melvin Bynum was charged with first-degree murder in the death of Marnita Bynum. He was denied bond Friday. Bynum strangled his wife of almost 19 years, stuffed her body in the trunk of a car and dumped the vehicle in Richmond County.
- (Tyrone N. Butts)




20 August 2004 archived
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  Police arrest cable worker Sanchez accused of sexually assaulting girl
Douglas Alberto Sanchez Houston police have arrested a cable worker accused of sexually assaulting a 13-year-old girl in southwest Houston last month. Douglas Alberto Sanchez, 24, has been charged with aggravated sexual assault of a child. He was working as a television cable contractor at the girl's home when police say the sexual assault occurred. - (The Bobster)

  Canada: Police had rape suspect, then let him go
Roberto Manuel BelnavisMontreal police say they interviewed and released a suspected serial rapist about one week before they arrested him — and before the last assault he's charged with committing. Roberto Manuel Belnavis is facing a total of seven charges in connection with the assaults: four counts of armed sexual assault, two counts of sexual assault causing bodily harm, one count of armed robbery. At least four women between the ages of 16 and 25 were attacked in July. - (NNN Canada)


19 August 2004 archived
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  Ricky Morris Charged In Cannady Murder Enters Guilty Plea
Ricky MorrisLois CannadyDURHAM, N.C. -- One of the five men accused in the murder of an 89-year-old Durham woman has entered a guilty plea. Ricky Morris appeared in court to admit his role in the death of Lois Cannady. He now faces second-degree murder charges instead of first-degree murder charges. Part of his agreement involves him testifying against the other four men involved in the case. Lois Cannady, 89, was shot to death in her home as she dialed 911 for help. - (Tyrone N. Butts)

  New Orleans: 2 Black Men Wanted In Separate Sexual Assaults On Girl Children - (Tyrone N. Butts)

  Jury Convicts CA Prof In Fake Anti-Semitic Attack - (Mogly)
Kerri DunnA psychology professor who claimed someone vandalized her car with racist and anti-Semitic slurs on the campus of Claremont McKenna College was charged with faking the incident.
Kerri Dunn
faces a sentence ranging from probation to six years in prison if convicted. Dunn, who is white, told police her car was spray-painted with racist, anti-Semitic and sexist epithets while she was on campus preparing a lecture for a forum on racism but witnesses report she did the 'spraying'.

18 August 2004 archived
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  Sports: Black 'athlete' that raped 15-year-old White girl wins scholarship
Kristi BrownROME, Ga. -- A high school football star whose college career was derailed by a rape conviction will attend Hampton University in Virginia this fall on an athletic scholarship. Marcus Dixon only spent 15 months in prison after being convicted of aggravated child molestation, a felony, and statutory rape, a misdemeanor. He was accused of assaulting a 15-year-old classmate in a trailer behind Pepperell High School in February 2003, when he was 18. A jury acquitted Dixon of rape, but he was sentenced to 10 years in prison on the molestation charge. Some called the case an injustice because Dixon is black and the girl is white, although prosecutors denied that race played a role. - (forum) - (more sports)

  Mexifornia: little girl faces 'alleged' kidnapper and rapist Cruz in court
David Montiel CruzSAN JOSE, Calif. -- A girl who was kidnapped and repeatedly raped as a 9-year-old took the witness stand describing the ordeal in harrowing detail and how she defiantly kept screaming for help. The girl, now 11, calmly recounted how she was raped, bound, handcuffed and thrown in a box in a stranger's car after coming home from school in June 2003. David Montiel Cruz, 25, faces charges ranging from burglary and assault to kidnapping and sexual penetration. - (Norcal)

  • Man sacrifices wife for kali, eats her tongue
    KaliJuly 10, 2004 - A woman was hacked to death allegedly by her husband to propitiate Goddess Kali to "cure" their son who was said to be "under influence of a ghost". Bharat Lal was offering prayers at the Kali temple along with his wife Kamla Devi when he hacked her to death with a sharp-edged weapon last evening as the couple's three children watched, police said. Lal also cut off his wife's tongue and ate it before setting her body afire.  - (Hellcat)

  • Killing for 'Mother' Kali - human sacrifice lives on in India - (forum)

17 August 2004 archived
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