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Updated August 13, 2004 11:48 PM Pacific
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   Arkansas Drops Effort to Execute "Retarded" Mexican Murderer
Raphael CamargoFORT SMITH, Ark. -- The state has agreed it will not seek to execute a Mexican man whose attorneys say he is mentally retarded, and in return the inmate will drop appeals of his murder conviction. A federal judge approved the agreement between state prosecutors and attorneys for Raphael Camargo, 39, who was convicted of killing Deanna Petree, 18, and her son, Jonathan Macias, who was 15 months old. His lawyers argued that he had an IQ of only 55 and should not be executed under a black-robed Supreme Court ruling that executions of the mentally retarded criminals were unconstitutionally "cruel". Camargo was one of 52 Mexican inmates in American jails that the World Court said had not been given proper legal assistance. Camargo was one of 52 Mexican inmates in American jails that the World Court said had not been given proper legal assistance.

  Pakistani migrant pizza deliveryman detained in N.Y.C.
Immigration authorities have deported a Pakistani immigrant who was detained after snapping photos of a reservoir during the jittery weeks after the 2001 terror attacks. Ansar Mahmood was convicted in January 2002 of harboring illegal immigrants and later ordered sent back to Pakistan.

Shut up and take it like a woman," serial killer rapist Arohn Kee would tell his screaming teenaged victims. "You're lucky to be getting raped by such a good looking man," he'd jeer. "Act like you love me." But yesterday, Kee, 33, was penitent and oddly cheerful as he was sentenced to a 20-year prison term for raping a 17-year-old girl in a Harlem basement — a decade-old attack in which the DNA caught up with him only this year. - (svejk)

  Man charged in series of sexual assaults in Miami-Dade County
Alton Lamont KeelsMiami · Eight years after police say he robbed and raped his first victim, Miami-Dade police arrested the man they allege is behind a series of sexual assaults in south Miami-Dade County. Police on Thursday charged Alton Lamont Keels, 26, in three separate cases. The attacks occurred between April 22, 1996, and June 4, 2004. This week, Miami-Dade's Crime Laboratory Bureau linked DNA evidence in the three cases to Keels - (Border Ruffian)

  DA Charges Serial Rape Suspect Rayshun With 31 Felony Counts
Rayshun MullinsA man accused in at least five metro-area rapes will face 31 felony counts in Oklahoma County. The District Attorney filed the charges against Rayshun Mullins, 22. The charges against Mullins range from kidnapping, first-degree rape and robbery to assault and battery with a dangerous weapon. Mullins has reportedly confessed to assaulting women in Oklahoma City and Midwest City. Investigators said they believe Mullins may also be connected to an assault in Del City. - (forum)



N.J. Governor Resigns, Admits Gay Affair * Who Is Golan Cipel?
James E. McGreeveyGolan CipelGov. James E. McGreevey, a one-time rising Democratic star and twice-married father, announced his resignation with the startling disclosure that he is gay and had an extramarital affair with a man. Two sources said the man involved in the affair was Golan Cipel, an Israeli poet who met the governor during a trip to Israel. - (Rebgal) * "Israel Weighs Giving Up Golan"


12 August 2004 archived
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  Md. Official Says Aliens Draining Health System
"Our own people, that is legitimate Americans, cannot get health care."
He added it would be a "tragedy" if the nation became bilingual, speaking English and Spanish.


Texas: Illegal Alien Stepfather Arrested In Toddler's Death
Francisco LugoThe stepfather of a 3-year-old boy was charged with the boy's death. Police were called to a home and found the boy, Andrew Pineda, dead. The boy was found to have multiple bruises on most of his body. The medical examiner's office determined the boy died of blunt-force trauma. The stepfather, Francisco Lugo (pictured, left), said he lost control while he tried to discipline the boy. He is believed to be an illegal immigrant. - (Border Ruffian)

  Two Bellmore youths were arrested and charged with raping a 15-year-old girl
Joseph Locoteta, a 20-year-old mechanic and his friend Salvatore Piccarillo, a 19-year-old carpenter.


Accused rapist of 12-year-old girl - Adrian Ozores in court - (link content will change)
Adrian Ozores
Adrian Ozores, who is already a registered sex offender, has been charged with rape.
A 12-year-old girl cannot legally consent to sex. - (forum)


  Suspect arrested in rape of 14-year-old
Santios Darrell LeakeColumbia police have arrested a Columbia man in connection with the alleged rape of a 14-year-old girl. Police found Santios Darrell Leake, 25, around 2 p.m. yesterday hiding in the attic closet of a home at 200 Third Ave., where the alleged incident took place the day before. Leake "implicated himself in sexual relations" with the 14-year-old, said Sgt. Steve Monticelli.

   Victim complains that mall rapist Lamond Johnson only got 14 years for crimes
Lamond JohnsonTOLEDO -- A Toledo woman, who was kidnapped, raped and robbed, believes her attacker's punishment does not fit the crimes. In fact, she says "she's insulted" by the sentence. The 41-year-old victim showed up in court Tuesday, hoping Lamond Johnson would get close to the maximum penalty of 30 years in prison. But, he got less than half of that: 14 years behind bars. - (forum)

   Miss. - Police are looking for a black man with braided hair who raped woman on her morning jog

  Texas: County judge Biscoe arrested for DWI
Samuel T. Biscoe Travis County Judge Samuel T. Biscoe was arrested at 10:47 p.m. on Wednesday for driving while intoxicated. The arresting officer reported Biscoe had a faint alcohol odor. Biscoe was polite and courteous, he was swaying, orderly and had bloodshot eyes, the officer said. Biscoe was also said to be walking, staggering and stumbling. Biscoe said he had one glass of wine at a restaurant and one beer at a bar. He refused to take a breathalyzer test. - (Border Ruffian)


  South Dakota: Eugene Hollow Horn Bear charged with attempted rape - (NNN Aboriginal news)


11 August 2004 archived
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   Prosecutors to seek death penalty against Marcus Wesson
Marcus WessonFRESNO, Calif. -- Prosecutors say they will seek the death penalty against Marcus Wesson charged with shooting nine of his children in his Fresno home. The 57-year-old Wesson is also accused of 13 sex crimes, including rape, with each of the victims believed to be family members.
- (NNN Norcal) - (forum)

   Florida baseball bat 'Burger King' massacre - Troy Victorino: A history of criminal activity
Troy Victorino Troy Victorino was the ringleader.
Sheriff Ben Johnson used that word in describing Victorino, who, at 27, was the oldest of the four men charged with murdering six people. At 6-foot-5 and 270 pounds, Victorino was the biggest. Having spent eight of the last 11 years in prison, Victorino was the most experienced criminal. Victorino was the one who kicked in the door. He was the last one out. - (forum)

   500+ Years to Life, Belmont Shore Rapist
Mark Wayne Rathbun
LONG BEACH — The man dubbed the "Belmont Shore Rapist" for a five-year string of attacks that victimized women in Long Beach and in parts of Orange County was convicted today of 59 criminal counts. Mark Wayne Rathbun, 34, could face in excess of 500 years to life in prison when he is sentenced Sept. 15, a prosecutor said. A 77-year-old woman said Rathbun raped her twice. Another woman intoned "The Lord's Prayer" as she was being attacked. - (forum)


  Federal Judge Sim Lake Orders Bible Removed From Houston Court Display
Luk 18:6 Luk 18:6 And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge saith.

10 August 2004 archived
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  Naked Hispanic Arrested for Attempted Rape of 4-Year Old Girl
Vicente Perez-Hernandez has been charged with burglary and the attempted rape of a four-year-old girl that occurred in the early morning hours of Sunday, August 8. At about 1:45 a.m. on Sunday, the girl's mother was awakened by a scream coming from her daughter’s bedroom. When she entered her daughter’s room, she saw an unknown Hispanic man naked, in her daughter’s bed with her daughter. The suspect was a stranger to the victim and her family. - (Hellcat)

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