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19 July 2004 - Archive
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  A life violated - White woman commits suicide after four years of mental terror after rape by black beast
John Arnold Brinson Jacquelyn Moore, middle, spends time on a sailboat with her son, Pete Ovens, and daughter, Jennifer Green, about 10 years ago.
She woke to a nightmare as a stranger crawled on top of her. "You gonna die, bitch," he said in a scary yet oddly soft voice.
John Arnold Brinson, then 42, had raped before. Half his adult life had been spent in and out of prison for crimes involving sex and drugs. He was a convicted peeping tom, burglar, rapist and thief out on parole. For the next six hours, Jacquelyn Moore was his prisoner.
As the big man's fingers tightened around her throat, she thought about death. As he called her names and threatened to kill her, she thought of giving up, drifting away. As the hours crawled by her fantasies traveled from revenge to insanity to murder. His and her own.
Moore lived through that night. She faced her attacker at trial and put on a brave face as he was sentenced to life in prison. But something inside her died in those hours she laid helpless in her own bed. She existed for the next four years, but she didn't really survive. On July 5, Jacquelyn Moore, 63, killed herself. - (Tyrone N. Butts)

  Test lacking, twin rapist may walk
Tyrone and Jerome CooperScience won't solve the mystery of which identical twin raped a Grand Rapids college student, at least for now. Police have decided not seek additional DNA testing that might tell them which twin is guilty, saying it is too uncertain and too expensive. With no new leads, authorities say they cannot yet prove which brother is guilty -- Jerome or Tyrone Cooper -- but only that the DNA they share points to one of the two. - (Hellcat)



Jose Maria Cruz gets life in prison for rape
Jose Maria CruzA Reno man who pleaded guilty to raping, slashing and stabbing his neighbor was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. The Judge told Jose Maria Cruz, 42, she imposed the harsh sentence because of the brutal and calculated attack on his then 21-year-old victim. In 1991, Cruz was convicted of a gross misdemeanor for molesting his stepdaughter, he said. Cruz forced her to have sex and the victim was left with disfiguring scars on her torso and arm. - (Hellcat)




by H. Millard (c) 2004
H. Millard index

  'Secret film shows Iraq prisoners sodomised'
Young male prisoners were filmed being sodomised by American soldiers at the Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad, according to the journalist who first revealed the abuses there. "The boys were sodomised with the cameras rolling, and the worst part is the soundtrack, of the boys shrieking. And this is your government at war." - (

17 July 2004 archived
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  New Orleans: Police Seek Gold-toothed Negro Who Raped Woman In Algiers
rapistNew Orleans police are asking for the public's help in locating and identifying a man wanted in connection with the aggravated rape of a 38-year-old New Orleans woman. The man is described as black, 19 to 20 year old, 5 feet 6 inches tall with a slim build and a dark complexion. His hair was in twists and he had a tattoo on his left forearm of a cross with the words "Live 2 Die." He has several gold front teeth. - (Tyrone N. Butts)

  Three have been arrested in New Haven, Connecticut, for the apparently random shootings
Dwayne WhiteheadDwayne Whitehead, 20, is one of the men arrested Friday in a string of random shootings this week in New Haven, Connecuticut that wounded five people. Three of the victims remained in the hospital Friday. There's no explanation yet as to what the motive may have been in the shootings. One of the victims, Angel Colon, was shot as he waited for a bus. He saw a car drive by and then turn around. Someone in the car rolled down the window and shot him nine times. - (Tyrone N. Butts)


Three Milwaukee mob members charged in beating of 14-year-old into coma with two-by-four
Boy who was beaten with a two-by-four remains in coma

Timothy OwensMario BrownDavell GoingThree Milwaukee men were charged with beating a 14-year-old boy into a coma at a playground last week while more than a dozen people looked on. Timothy Owens, 31, faces one count of first-degree reckless injury. According to a criminal complaint, Owens struck the victim, Tyrin Douglas, in the head with a two-by-four as the boy was on his back trying to shield himself from kicks and punches. The other two men, Mario Brown, 21, and Davell Going, 22, were charged with physical abuse of a child. - (Tyrone N. Butts)
Ref: Second severe beating by a mob in this city in less than a week.

   Illegal Haitian Migrant Woman Faces Deportation to Haiti


Convicted Mexican migrant rapist gets new trial because he can't speak English
An appeals court has ordered a new trial for Mexican migrant Jose Medrano Garcia saying his Sixth Amendment right to confront witnesses was violated because there was no interpreter at his trial for sexual assault. - (The Bobster)


  No prison term for man who shot low-down priest
Dontee StokesMaurice Blackwell.BALTIMORE - A man who shot and wounded a priest who had allegedly molested him as a boy pleaded guilty to gun charges and was let off without a prison sentence. It's a big relief," said Dontee Stokes, a 28-year-old barber. "I'm thankful to have the support of other victims and the support of the community." He had already served 18 months under house arrest. A jury acquitted him in 2002 of attempted murder and other charges in the shooting of the Rev. Maurice Blackwell.

John Woolsey Monsignor John Woolsey agreed to step down from his Upper East Side parish yesterday while prosecutors investigate what happened to hundreds of thousands of dollars of church funds. Officials from the Archdiocese of New York had asked Woolsey to voluntarily step down from his post at St. John the Martyr Church after they said he couldn't provide them with "a reasonable explanation" about what happened to church money. Probe $1M missing from church - (Sophia)

Tts 1:7Tts 1:7 For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God; not selfwilled, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre;

  • The bishop in charge of an Austrian diocese at the heart of a sex scandal is resisting calls to resign
    Several pressure groups have called on Bishop Kurt Krenn to quit, after child pornography was allegedly found at a Catholic priests' training college.
  • Priest in sex abuse case posts $100,000 bail in sodomy and sexual abuse case
    The Rev. Albert Liberatore Jr. remains free on bail after being arraigned on sodomy and sexual abuse charges in New York City on Thursday evening.
  • San Antonio: former Catholic priest gets 20 years for molesting four high school seminary students
    The State District Judge revoked Carlos Lozano's deferred adjudication sentence after a hearing on sexually explicit material allegedly found on Lozano's home computer hard drive. A condition of Lozano's probation had been that he not have access to sexually explicit material. He had pleaded no contest to having sexual contact with four of his students in 1993. One student, Eduardo Ramon III, committed suicide in 1997 at age 20.

  • Louisiana: Catholic Diocese pulls priest over FBI investigation
    The Rev. Jules Arceneaux of St. Francis Regis Catholic Church has been placed on administrative leave pending a federal investigation into pornography discovered on a church computer.

  • Australia: Ex-priest faces child sex charges
    A former Anglican priest now living in Canberra faced a Tasmanian court on Friday over a string of child sex charges dating back to the 1970s. Louis Victor Daniels, a 57-year-old librarian from suburban Charnwood, has been charged with 14 counts of indecent assault and two counts of sexual intercourse with a young person under the age of 17. The charges involve a total of five male complainants, who were aged between 11 and 17 when the incidents allegedly occurred. It is alleged Daniels had unlawful sexual intercourse with one boy at Burnie over the school holidays between December 1971 and January 1972.

  • Roman Catholic Scranton priest arraigned on charges of buggering an altar boy
    A suspended Roman Catholic priest has been arraigned in Pittston and in New York city on charges that he sexually molested an altar boy while serving as a parish priest at Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church in Duryea. The Reverend Albert Liberatore Junior of Scranton was charged after a young man told police he had been in a sexual relationship with the clergyman when in high school.

  • Defrocked Gay Roman Catholic Priest Starts Own Church
    Joseph CollovaJoseph Collova Accused Of Homo Sexually Assaulting Young Man A Roman Catholic priest defrocked over sexual abuse allegations has started his own church in western Waukesha County. Just last week, the Milwaukee Archdiocese listed Joseph Collova on its restricted priest list.

  • Former Local Priest Investigated
    Former fort Ann priest Dozia Wilson has dodged several legal bullets--- so far. He was arrested in albany back in 19-76--allegedly caught molesting two young boys in a local motel room---but not prosecuted---agreeing, instead to move to Boston. That's where he was again accused of molesting boys, and sent to fort ann---where he's accused of molesting this guy, Joe Woodward, as a boy.

  • Memo a 'smoking gun' in Roman Catholic church sex abuse case
    A Roman Catholic Church official acknowledged having "serious concerns" about the Rev. Raymond Melville even before the priest was accused in 1990 of sexually abusing a teenager in Maine. Michael Fortin, who claims that Melville, a priest assigned to St. Mary's Church in Augusta, sexually abused him for seven years beginning in 1985, when Fortin was 13.

  • Seven little orphan sisters file lawsuit alleging abuse by priest, two Roman Catholic nuns
    Seven people sued a local order of Roman Catholic nuns yesterday, alleging sexual abuse by a priest and two nuns at an Anchorage orphanage run by the order in the 1950s and 1960s. The plaintiffs include five biological sisters who say they were sexually molested by Monsignor Herman J. Lammers, a resident chaplain at the home. One sister also says a nun, Sister Mary Ann Powers, abused her.

  • Northern California Catholic priest molest lawsuits head for trial
    OAKLAND – Hundreds of men and women claiming they were molested by priests as children got their first day in court Thursday as they seek millions of dollars from Catholic dioceses in Northern California.

  • Faggot Roman Catholic Modesto Priest Removed
    Jean-Michael Lastiri,A longtime Merced priest was removed from duties at St. Patrick's parish amid allegations he posted messages on a homosexual dating Web site. The Bishop of the Diocese of Fresno said in a statement that he is sending the Rev. Jean-Michael Lastiri, 48, to a Maryland treatment facility after learning Wednesday of "a Web page and chat room of (Lastiri) that was totally inappropriate." - (NNN Norcal)

  • Serbian Orthodox Priest Filip Velisavljevics is sentenced to probation for defrauding church

  • Gay Cruise Meets Protest in Bahamas

  Rev 18:4 Rev 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

16 July 2004 archived
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