This Old Testament/New Testament comparison may turn
out to be more than just a glib statement, and it may be far more than
a symbolic shift for America which has been, through most of its existence,
a New Testament Christian nation. |
In the aftermath of the events in New York and Washington, we have heard President Bush say that the U.S. will attack those nations that harbor terrorists. While this may seem, at first, to be a common sense thing to do, that simple statement is fraught with deeper meaning. This is so, because it encompasses a sense that there is a group guilt on the part of nations where terrorists live. Such attribution of a group guilt is usually eschewed by Americans, at least in modern times. Even now, however, we are hearing ordinary Americans saying that we should nuke Afghanistan, where Osama bin Laden, the reputed mastermind behind the attacks, is living--in some sort of raining down of fire and brimstone as upon Sodom and Gomorra. What happens when you nuke a nation? You essentially
kill much of the life in that nation. You kill the leaders, the soldiers,
and the terrorists, but you also kill the ordinary citizens, the taxi
cab drivers, the shop owners. You also kill the babies and the children,
who certainly can't be guilty of anything since they are just babies
and children. Or, do they share the group guilt? So, how do you justify
nuking a nation that hasn't, as a nation, attacked you? Well, you must
first mount
a propaganda campaign to paint everyone in that nation as evil. This
isn't as easy to do today in our PC world as it once was. Once, we were
able to demonize entire countries of "Japs," for example.
We were able to show caricatures of the people of entire nations--entire
racial and national groups--as having inhuman
and evil ape like faces. Today, that would be seen as racism. |
So, what does a nation, intent on punishing terrorists
it can't pinpoint, do to get revenge? Again, we are left with some version
of nuking; not necessarily in a literal sense, but in the sense that
there is likely to be major bombing and destruction of the nation that
harbors the terrorists. How does the U.S. do that? The sad lesson of
Vietnam, learned the hard way by the U.S.; how not to win a modern war,
and whose corollary; how to win a modern war, was then demonstrated
in Desert Storm, has shown us that we can't make war a little at a time.
Perhaps it is to counter this children are cute sentiment,
that politicians from Israel are saying that Arab terrorists are first
made into terrorists in kindergarten where they are programmed with
terror to be carried out later in life when they reach an age when they
can, presumably, pilot jet liners into American skyscrapers or to otherwise
wreck havoc on civilization. Does this not also harken back to the Old
Testament, where we read of all the babies in a nation being put to
death in an attempt by various rulers to keep them from growing up to
destroy the rulers? |
Add to the above thoughts, the perception, right or wrong, apparently held by many people, that President Bush did and does look wimpy in all this. Sure, the Secret Service probably suggested that Air force One should go first to Louisiana and then to Nebraska before returning to Washington on September 11, but wouldn't you, if you were President, have overruled that suggestion and gone directly back to Washington, if for no other reason than for the symbolism of being there? Why is this important? Because there are few people who are as foolish or dangerous as a person who tries to appear tough, to counter appearances to the contrary. Taking the wrong actions, for the wrong reasons, in the present situation can lead to counteractions that have the potential of causing eternal war on American soil. Are Americans really ready to, as is seen in Israel, go everyplace with machine guns under their arms? We
must remember that America is no longer immune from direct attack. That
was amply demonstrated on September 11. The oceans have shrunk with
modern transportation, and our borders are made porous by widely held
group-think clichés about America being "a nation of immigrants"
which, when added to the cliché about our "wonderful diversity,"
creates the very real potential of unrecognized
enemies in our midst that we have no defense against. Add to those factors
the ease with which suitcase size nuclear bombs can be made, and the
simplicity of carrying city destroying biological weapons in a soda
can, and you start to see the danger. Those who hate America can easily
slip across our border from Mexico or Canada carrying weapons of mass
destruction with them. Or, as they did on Tuesday, they can improvise
and use items already here as weapons of mass destruction. |
Bombing entire nations that are claimed to harbor terrorists but which we can not prove are parties to the terrorism will only increase the ancient eye for an eye revenge motives against America of those who believe that they were wronged. If some of those who think they were wronged by America--because we support their enemies--were angry enough to sacrifice their lives by attacking us on Tuesday; how much angrier will others be if we directly attack them and their children? We must also understand that we were attacked on Tuesday,
not by people whose ideology is "terror," because that's not
an ideology at all, it's just a tactic. And, remember, "terrorists"
are always those who do not have vast armies or air forces to fight
their battles, and who must, therefore, use other methods to try to
win their wars. When we demonize them as terrorists it may make us feel
good that we have called them a name, but most terrorists consider themselves
as soldiers fighting in a noble cause against an enemy with superior
resources. To the British in early America, those ragtag American snipers
hiding behind walls and trees in the Massachusetts countryside were
cowardly terrorists, who would attack and hide instead of fighting the
way the British wanted to fight. |
Is this then a call to not strike back at those involved in attacks on American soil? No. But it is a call to do it right, lest we become completely embroiled in a fight that is rightly not ours at all and which should more properly be confined to the Middle East, not Middle America. A few practical, positive steps we can take to stop future attacks on American soil would be to deport all illegal aliens in our nation and then have our troops enforce our borders. Then we should stop all immigration for several years. America doesn't need more immigrants. If we need workers, we can get them from our own internal growth. # # # |