by H. Millard � 2020

We know from The Sacred Teachings that God made us White because He wants us to be White and He wants us to stay White and practice Whiteness in all ways. 

We  know from The Sacred  Teachings that God gave us a level of free will so that we can choose the way we live our lives and thus prove ourselves worthy.  Those who chose God's Whiteness over Darkness are loved by God, for they to be the progenitors. Those who choose evil and darkness shall be punished by God.

We know from The Sacred Teachings that God is everywhere and we know that this means he exists in the Quantum level of existence and is some sort of force or energy or field or spirit.

We know from The Sacred Teachings that God fulfills His will through the forces and ways of nature and through influencing people and events and that He has worked for centuries to evolve White people who are selected to do His will in the type of existence that we live in and who are on the threshold to becoming a new species. 

We know from The Sacred Teachings that we are made to be the ones who will evolve into the Ubermensch or the one above man who will be a new species of human no longer burdened with the possibility of being held back by being able to breed with present day humans who the Ubermensch is to replace to bring God's love and justice to the world.

We know from The Sacred Teachings that God hates Whites who miscegenate or intentionally do not have White children or who have too few children or who practice homosexuality to the exclusion of man/woman sex and thus do not help with the evolutionary plan God has for us as the selected kind. 

We know from The Sacred Teachings that God loves Whites who remain pure and who bring forth the most White children.

We know from The Sacred Teachings that there is a holiness, and an almost magical aspect, found in our White skin and that it is essential to God's plan that we remain White and expand our Whiteness by breeding to our maximum.

We know from The Sacred Teachings that God will intervene if and when He chooses.

We know from The Sacred Teachings that we are to be moderate in all things, that we are not to harm others who mean us no harm and that we are to treat all things both living and so called non-living things with respect.

We know from The Sacred Teachings that we are to have a sacred fylfot symbol  with us at all times that shows our faith in God.

We know from The Sacred Teachings that we are to stay as separate as possible from all non-white humans.

We know from The Sacred Teachings that all non-White humans are a danger to us simply by their presence near us.

We know from The Sacred Teachings that to be White one must have two White parents.  There is no other way.

We know from The Sacred Teachings that we are to live happy, joyous, fulfilled lives but always in a White context.

We know from The Sacred Teachings that we are to ask of everything: Is this good for White people?

We know from The Sacred Teachings that we are to pray twice a day, once when we wake up and just before we go to sleep.

#         #            #


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The lefties at the OC WEEKLY said Millard is one of OC's most frightening people.

"Millard is an important writer" New Nation News

"Millard is an original. His books aren't like your typical fiction.
If you don't know where to put his books, try the same shelf with Kerouac,
Kafka, Sartre and Nietzsche" - a reader.

"I consider H. Millard one of the most brilliant writers and analysts
in the European American civil rights movement.
" - David Duke

Ourselves Alone & Homeless Jack's Religion  

Ourselves Alone & Homeless Jack's Religion
messages of ennui and meaning in post-american america by H. Millard

In Ourselves Alone and Homeless Jack's Religion, H. Millard, the hard to pigeonhole author of The Outsider and Roaming the Wastelands, has put together some of his category bending commentaries on post-American America. The commentaries deal with politics, philosophy, free speech, genocide, religion and other topics in Millard's edgy style and lead up to Homeless Jack's Religion, in which Homeless Jack lays out revelations he found in a dumpster on skid row. Browse Before You Buy ISBN: 0-595-32646-3

Roaming the Wastelands  

- (ISBN: 0-595-22811-9)
H. Millard�s latest sacred cow toppling book, is now
available at Amazon.com by clicking on this link

or by calling 1-877-823-9235.

�A fun�and sobering�thing to read� - Alamance Independent

The Outsider  

THE OUTSIDER - (ISBN: 0-595-19424-9)
H. Millard�s underground classic story of alienation is
available at Amazon.com by clicking on the this link
 or by calling 1-877-823-9235:

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