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Archive for 22 June 2005

    Lowdown Incestuous Pedophile Homo Pervert Pleads Guilty to Raping Infant Son
Theodore MorrisA Georgetown man has pleaded guilty to an unthinkable crime. Theodore Morris, 22, on Monday pleaded guilty in Sussex County Superior Court to raping his infant son. His sentencing date is Aug. 12. The Georgetown police arrested Morris on Tuesday, Nov. 16, 2004 after his girlfriend allegedly discovered a videocassette that Morris produced, in which he appeared to be having sexual intercourse with his baby son. The baby received medical care at Nanticoke Memorial Hospital in Seaford and the Delaware Division of Family Services launched its own investigation of the alleged rape. - (White Boy) - (crime)


    Animal Control Officer Arrested for sex on the job
Roscoe WhiteCharlotte J. Arnold A Newberry County Animal Control Officer has been arrested and fired from his job aftr authorities say he had sex with an inmate assigned to work release at the Newberry County Animal Shelter. According to police records, 25-year-old Charlotte J. Arnold was arrested Monday and charged with Engaging in Sexual Intercourse with an Inmate of a Prison. The sheriff's department identified the inmate as 23-year-old Roscoe White of Greenville. - (Tyrone N. Butts) - (TNB)

    Teacher Arrested, Accused Of Trying To Stab Husband
Freda Coleman Russell A Lake County teacher was arrested after deputies said she tried to stab her husband. Deputies arrested 38-year-old Freda Coleman Russell early Tuesday morning for aggravated assault and armed burglary. Deputies said Russell broke into a woman's apartment and accused her of cheating with her husband. When Russell's husband arrived, she tried to stab him in the face with a roasting fork. - (White Boy) - (crime)

    Woman Arrested In Slidell's First Homicide Of The Year
Theresa HopkinsNEW ORLEANS -- An arrest has been made in Slidell's first homicide of the year. Police on Tuesday arrested a woman and at least two men in connection with the death, which they said was the result of a fight over crack cocaine. Police said the female suspect, Theresa Hopkins, beat Tina Smith to death with an iron Friday in the bathroom. Police said two men, Alvin Sylvas and Dennis Forrest, met Hopkins at a motel after the attack and helped her clean up. Both are booked with being accessories to murder after the fact. - (White Boy) - (crime)

    Ohio Homeless Agencies Struggle with Somali Bangtu Migrant Influx
BantuExperts say Columbus -- already home to the nation's second-largest Somali population -- is seeing a wave of secondary migration that is unmatched in other cities. Social service agencies say they were not prepared to deal with the influx.
- (Madkins) -- (Invasion!)

    Hispanic Culture might be factor in sexual abuse among migrants - the rising frequency of statutory rape among Hispanics.
There has been a 50 percent increase in sexual assault among the local Hispanic population. In many Hispanic cultures, it is acceptable for men to engage in sexual activity with younger women. Such culture clashes are to be expected when there is such a large influx of immigrants. "As the Latino population in North Carolina continues to burgeon, there's going to be all sorts of things that come along with that." - (White Boy) - (Invasion!)






21 June 2005 archived
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    HOODWINKED The Mumia Syndrome - © 2005
Mao Mao JamalAaniel FaulknerIn the early morning hours of Dec. 9,1981, 25-year-old police officer Danny Faulkner pulled his patrol car behind a light blue Volkswagen Beetle in the heart of Philadelphia's red-light district. Alarmed by the circumstances, he radioed for a wagon to help with an arrest. A police car arrived two minutes later. To his unending horror, the arriving patrolman found Faulkner face up on the sidewalk, a bullet in his back and another right between his eyes – "complete instantaneous disability and death." - (Mogly) - (Black on White)
Ref: Justice For Police Officer Daniel Faulkner
Ref: "1,130 Fry Mumia links on Google"

    Search for Emily Rimel Resumes
It was quiet for a while, but now there is a renewed search for 5-year-old Emily Rimel, who has been missing since December 7. Her body has never been found, but police got a tip on where to find her late last week.
Monday, the trial for Lindsey Bruce, charged with kidnapping and raping Emily, was put on hold while the search was resumed. Police believe Bruce killed Emily, but can't prove it without her body.
- (Gman) - (Black on White)


    Jamel Found Guilty of Two Murders
Jamel Curtis
A jury convicts a man of killing two store owners-- and he could get the death penalty, but for one family, the verdict wasn't enough. It was quiet as Jamel Curtis walked in the courtroom. Families of the murdered store owners waited patiently for the jury to deliver their verdict -- guilty of murder. Guilty of shooting Columbus Carry Out owner Andai Gebrentensai during a robbery last year. Curtis was also accused of aggravated murder for using the same gun to kill gun store owner Zane Wilson a few weeks later. - (White Boy) - (crime)





20 June 2005 archived
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The Great Battle

(It's about more than you may think)
by H. Millard (c) 2005
H. Millard index

Illegal Immigration and U.N. Troops in the U.S. - Copyright © 2005 by Paul Revere Crawford
For many decades concerned Americans have been trying to warn their fellow citizens about the potential dangers posed to U.S. sovereignty by the United Nations. Some have even suggested the possibility that United Nation troops would be brought to American to aid in “peacekeeping” operations in a not too distant America torn apart at the seams by violence and ethnic conflict. For the most part, these voices in the wilderness have been scoffed at and most of them have been branded by the uninformed as “kooks” and “conspiracy nuts.” - (more...) - (Invasion!) - (Commentary)


by Constantin von Hoffmeister (c) 2005

Constantin von Hoffmeister

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