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Archive for 21 June 2005

    HOODWINKED The Mumia Syndrome - © 2005
Mao Mao JamalAaniel FaulknerIn the early morning hours of Dec. 9,1981, 25-year-old police officer Danny Faulkner pulled his patrol car behind a light blue Volkswagen Beetle in the heart of Philadelphia's red-light district. Alarmed by the circumstances, he radioed for a wagon to help with an arrest. A police car arrived two minutes later. To his unending horror, the arriving patrolman found Faulkner face up on the sidewalk, a bullet in his back and another right between his eyes – "complete instantaneous disability and death." - (Mogly) - (Black on White)
Ref: Justice For Police Officer Daniel Faulkner
Ref: "1,130 Fry Mumia links on Google"

    Search for Emily Rimel Resumes
It was quiet for a while, but now there is a renewed search for 5-year-old Emily Rimel, who has been missing since December 7. Her body has never been found, but police got a tip on where to find her late last week.
Monday, the trial for Lindsey Bruce, charged with kidnapping and raping Emily, was put on hold while the search was resumed. Police believe Bruce killed Emily, but can't prove it without her body.
- (Gman) - (Black on White)


    Jamel Found Guilty of Two Murders
Jamel Curtis
A jury convicts a man of killing two store owners-- and he could get the death penalty, but for one family, the verdict wasn't enough. It was quiet as Jamel Curtis walked in the courtroom. Families of the murdered store owners waited patiently for the jury to deliver their verdict -- guilty of murder. Guilty of shooting Columbus Carry Out owner Andai Gebrentensai during a robbery last year. Curtis was also accused of aggravated murder for using the same gun to kill gun store owner Zane Wilson a few weeks later. - (White Boy) - (crime)








20 June 2005 archived
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  • Fake Documents Got Workers Into Nuke Plant
    KNOXVILLE, Tenn. Jun 20, 2005
    — Sixteen foreign-born construction workers with phony immigration documents were able to enter a nuclear weapons plant in eastern Tennessee because of lax security controls, a federal report said Monday. - (Invasion!)

  • Police: Woman Held Down, Gang Raped by Hispanics After Leaving Orlando Club
    Hispanic rapistsShe described the first attacker as a Hispanic man in his 20s about 6 feet tall weighing 180 pounds with an eyebrow piercing. The second man is also described Hispanic and in his 20s. He is about 5 foot 6 inches tall with a bald head, mustache and goatee, according to the woman. - (Gman)

  • Rape suspect could be in Mexico
    A San Francisco man is suspected in a series of rapes and may have fled to Mexico, according to documents supporting an arrest warrant signed by a judge. Edwin Adelson Palacios, 28, is suspected of raping a 19-year-old woman Aug. 26 in his Ford Expedition near Larkin and Polk streets, court records filed Friday show. He allegedly attacked her after seeing her leave her boyfriend's car during a dispute. - (Norcal)

    Tancredo's Credo: "Remember the Alamo!"
Tom TancredoThe results are now in from three online presidential polls and Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-CO) smashed his opponents. Tancredo then announced he would run for the presidency if no one else took up the issue of illegal immigration. - (Invasion!) - (forum)
According to the Justice Departments Bureau of Justice Statistics, as of June 30, 2002, America’s prison population went over the two million mark. According to their figures, it costs American taxpayers $23,476.80 per year for each prisoner. While over 25 percent of the prison population is made up on illegal aliens, it means that Americans pay nearly $12 Billion dollars a year (that’s nine zero’s, folks) to jail convicted felons who didn’t have the right to be here in the first place. Tancredo says, “Many who enter the country illegally are just looking for jobs, but others are coming to kill you, and you, and me, and my children, and my grandchildren.”

  • Battered city dissects Killen, the past - ("Lotsa photos at link!" Tyrone N. Butts)
    "While some here dismiss the trial as a tired look at the past, others hope it will bring change, including improving civil rights education and
    breaking down resistance to interracial marriages."
  • Crosstarlist: Direct-Examination of Kermit Sharp
    The role of "higher-law" Moral and patriotic authority of vigilantes
    Richard BarrettEdgar Ray KillenThe issue in the Edgar Ray Killen case is not whether an affirmative-action jury, comprised of nine women and three Negroes, will change the course of history. It will not. Neither is the issue whether corrupt and ignorant officials can make fools of themselves and embarrass Mississippi and the nation. They can. Neither is the issue whether a sick, old and helpless man can, all by himself, ward off attacks on the Bill of Rights. He cannot. Neither is the issue whether desperate men, driven to desperate acts by intolerable injustices will continue to arise. They will. The real issue, however, is: What is the moral and patriotic authority which impels free men, especially Mississippians? Killen's lawyer, Mitch Moran, had an opportunity to say so, when he called Reverend Kermit Sharp. But, all he asked Sharp was what was Killen's reputation. And, when the prosecutor tried to delve into the moral authority underlying vigilantes, Moran objected and the court cut Sharp off. Here is the direct-examination, as it should have been, and answers, as they likely would have been: - (more...)

19 June 2005 archived
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The Great Battle

(It's about more than you may think)
by H. Millard (c) 2005
H. Millard index

Illegal Immigration and U.N. Troops in the U.S. - Copyright © 2005 by Paul Revere Crawford
For many decades concerned Americans have been trying to warn their fellow citizens about the potential dangers posed to U.S. sovereignty by the United Nations. Some have even suggested the possibility that United Nation troops would be brought to American to aid in “peacekeeping” operations in a not too distant America torn apart at the seams by violence and ethnic conflict. For the most part, these voices in the wilderness have been scoffed at and most of them have been branded by the uninformed as “kooks” and “conspiracy nuts.” - (more...) - (Invasion!) - (Commentary)


by Constantin von Hoffmeister (c) 2005

Constantin von Hoffmeister

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Ref: The American Colonization Society

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