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Archive for 19 June 2005

    Ex-inmate sought in slaying of woman
Marlon Fann
After the man who knifed Merline Port-Louis got out of jail recently, Nassau police gave her a panic button to press in case he came again. At 2:39 Saturday morning, she pressed the button. At 2:44, police found Port-Louis dying on the asphalt in front of her Brook Street home in New Cassel. She'd been shot several times with a handgun. Police are seeking Marlon Fann, 34, Fann was convicted of felony assault for attacking Port-Louis in a West Hempstead parking lot three years ago, police said. He got out of jail in April. Port-Louis got the panic button earlier this month. - (crime)


  • Foreign speakers, mostly Hispanic, swamp schools
    School enrollment growth of immigrant non-English speaking students in 18 states through mid-America has surpassed 200 percent since 1990. Teachers and administrators in those states have faced a surprising demographic reality as enrollment of students who don't speak English, mostly Hispanic, has grown more than 10 times faster than the overall rise in school enrollment in the past 15 years. - (Invasion!)



7 Cambodians Charged in Canadian Toddler's Death
Chea Sokhum
The main suspect in the killing of a 2-year-old Canadian school boy in Siem Reap, Chea Sokhum, is led from a jail cell for more questioning Saturday, June 18, 2005. According to Cambodian police Chea Sokhum, a former driver of Siem Reap school children, led a band of masked men into the Siem Reap International School on Thursday
- (The Bobster) - (NNN Canada)


  • Prosecution Rests - (Tyrone N. Butts)
  • Defense opens in Killen case
  • Siblings Provide Alibi for Ex-Klansman
  • Crosstarlist: Cross-Examination of Fannie Lee Chaney
    Cruciality of Communist-instigation - Centrality of "Negro Revolution"
    Edgar Ray KillenRichard BarrettFannie Lee ChaneyFannie Lee Chaney was the one witness in the Edgar Ray Killen trial, who could have given insight into what the "Negro Revolution" was all about. But defense lawyers skipped the opportunity, altogether, to explain why Killen and others became vigilantes, in one of the most attenuated, popular-uprisings against Communist-invasion in history. Mitch Moran, who had only handled drug-dealer cases, up to that point, called no witnesses on his own to explain what the anti-Communist cause was all about and his associate, James McIntyre, objected when prosecutors asked one of the few defense witnesses, Reverend Kermit Sharp, to explain the Biblical basis for opposition to race-mixing. They did not call Killen, himself, although the defendant in a high-profile, political prosecution is, always, necessarily, the best witness in his own behalf. Defense lawyers, surprisingly, repeated the definitions used by prosecutors, referring to outside-agitators as "victims" and the deaths of Communist-invaders as a "crime" and "tragedy." Here is the cross-examination, as it should have been, and answers, as they likely would have been: - (more...)


18 June 2005 archived
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Isaac Jones III Found Guilty Of Second-Degree Murder * Murder conviction seen as compromise
Julie JacksIsaac Jones IIIA jury from Nashville found Isaac Jones III guilty of second-degree murder in the slaying of Chattanooga Police Officer Julie Jacks. The state had sought a first-degree murder conviction and the death penalty for Jones. Jones faces a sentence of 20-25 years. The Jacks family seemed stunned by the verdict. The defense had contended that Jones was mentally ill at the time of the slaying of Officer Jacks on May 6, 2002. She was shot seven times with her own weapon after Jones bolted from Parkridge Hospital, where he had been taken for a mental evaluation. - (Tyrone N. Butts) - (TNB) - (crime) - (black on white)

    A Newport News man convicted of killing a motel clerk who offered him a ride last year was sentenced to 58 years in prison
William Ola Henderson John Michael RegisterWilliam Ola Henderson was convicted on March 3 of first degree murder, carjacking and two firearms charges related to the May 6, 2004 death of John Michael Register. Register, 21, was working as a motel clerk in Fredericksburg when Henderson asked him for a ride to a bus stop, according to court testimony. While they were in the car, Henderson asked Register to drive him to Newport News because he had marijuana on him and didn't want to take it on the bus. Register refused, and at some point Henderson shot Register in the back of his ear and put his body in the trunk of the car. - (crime) - (black on white)

    Mandela son-in-law seeking to resolve rape charge in Connecticut
Isaac AmuahThe son-in-law of former South African president Nelson Mandela, who left Connecticut 12-years ago while facing rape charges, is trying to resolve that case, his attorney said Friday. Isaac Amuah, a former professor at Manchester Community Technical College, was accused of sexually assaulting a 34-year-old student from his algebra class inside Amuah's Manchester apartment. Amuah was charged with first-degree sexual assault and unlawful restraint. He was given permission to travel to South Africa for the holidays in 1993 and never returned. - (crime) - (Africa)

    Police Identify Black Suspect In Brooklyn Anti-gay Bias Crime
Steven PomiePolice say they've identified a suspect in what they believe was a bias crime in Brooklyn. Investigators are looking for 24-year-old Steven Pomie. They believe he's one of three men who beat a 26-year-old Brownsville man outside the victim's home last Wednesday while shouting anti-gay slurs. Pomie is 6 feet tall and 170 pounds.
- (The Bobster, Brewski) - (hatecrimes)

    Hmong shaman caretaker accused of sexually assaulting disabled blind woman relative
Neng Moua SHEBOYGAN, Wis.A relative is accused of sexually assaulting and impregnating a profoundly disabled woman. Police said social workers discovered the 32-year-old woman was pregnant. The woman is blind and can't communicate. Investigators said it took so long to bring charges against 42-year-old Neng Moua because a paternity test couldn't be done until the baby was born. DNA tests confirm Moua is the child's father. When police confronted Moua, he told them he was a shaman -- a spiritual healer in the Hmong community -- and often drank beer and whiskey during rituals. - (Brewski)


The Great Battle

(It's about more than you may think)
by H. Millard (c) 2005
H. Millard index

17 June 2005 archived
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Illegal Immigration and U.N. Troops in the U.S. - Copyright © 2005 by Paul Revere Crawford
For many decades concerned Americans have been trying to warn their fellow citizens about the potential dangers posed to U.S. sovereignty by the United Nations. Some have even suggested the possibility that United Nation troops would be brought to American to aid in “peacekeeping” operations in a not too distant America torn apart at the seams by violence and ethnic conflict. For the most part, these voices in the wilderness have been scoffed at and most of them have been branded by the uninformed as “kooks” and “conspiracy nuts.” - (more...) - (Invasion!) - (Commentary)


by Constantin von Hoffmeister (c) 2005

Constantin von Hoffmeister

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